2 - Chloe

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     I try pulling myself together after that startling phone call. My heart's been beating faster than it ever has.

Then, Ilsa texts me. We'll be home soon.
Not to mention Alan calls me. I can't help but answer it, because he might be putting me on another mission. "Hello?"

"Chloe, we need you on a mission."
Knew it. "Yeah, I knew that."

"Does it involve going to Manchester, England?"
"How did you know?"
"I didn't. I just took a guess. A guy called me from there and just about begged me to help him."
"Chloe, this is serious. We'll have to go to England in order to stop bombers from attacking Manchester."
"But we were just there with Big Ben!"
"That's in London, you dunce." A smart-mouthed boy spoke on the phone.

I raised my eyebrows. "Uh... Hunley who's that?"
"Oh, that's my son, Juniper."
"Isn't that a girl's name?"
"His mom wanted me to name him that. Don't ask me why, but- she did. You'll be joining him in this mission."
"But what about Jake and Matilda?"
"You'll also be joined by them, too. Luther, William and Benji will also be there."
"Sounds like the whole entire gang is coming. Ok, do I just meet you guys at the airport or what?"
"That's the plan."
"Alright. See you guys then." I hang up, and finally see my target. Only one bullet is in the center of the head on the target. I'm in serious trouble if I can only hit the target once.

I drive my car to the airport, while I call my dad.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Dad, it's me, Chloe."
"Chloe! What's up?"
"Not much- I'm on my way to the airport because Alan called me to go to England- of all places."
"England? Why?"

"Bombers are planning to bomb Manchester to an oblivion."

"Chloe, I told you not to go out on missions while I'm gone on my honey moon-"
I cut him off. "Dad, lemme do what I want to! I'm eighteen years old, please..."
"I'm doing this for you!"
"No you're not. You're doing it because you have power over me and you think I'm a wreck without you. The truth is that I'm not. I was in an orphanage without you for fifteen years. Do you think I need you?" I cut him off again before he can answer. "No, I don't."

"Chloe, don't ever talk to me like that again."
I hang up, tossing my phone on the seat beside me. I shake my head and exhale. Dad's really been in control of me lately- ever since I turned eighteen. I love my dad, don't get me wrong- but he get on my nerves sometimes...

I arrive at the airport, walking inside. I see Benji pointing at me as he stands beside Matilda who hugs some boy by the waist. He has a black and blue Mohawk- not to mention a lip piercing and gages. Must be her boyfriend; and Benji must hate him with all of him heart, because he's told me how much

"There she is!" Benji exclaims.

I rush over to them. "Hi, guys!"

Behind me, I feel someone wrap their arms around me and kiss me on the neck. I can't help but giggle. "There's she is..." It's my boyfriend, Jake.

William stands in front of us with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Seriously? You guys just got here and you're already doing that?"
I point my thumb at Jake. "He started it!"

Jake releases me, and Matilda, Benji and the gothic guy come up to me.

"How are you, Chloe?" Matilda asks.

"Fine..." I point at the guy beside her. "Who's the guy?"

"The boyfriend." Poor Benji looks like he could pass out.

"I knew you'd hate him with a passion!"
"Hate him? I despise him!"
I point at him. "What's his name?"

"My name's Derick."

"So- you're not Juniper Hunley?"

"Juniper who?"
A guy who looks a few years older than me than me approaches us. He has curly black hair and pale blue eyes. I've got to admit, he's pretty hot, though despite the fact he a dunce.

"So, are you that juniper pepper- I mean! Guy... Alan told me about?" I guess.

"Did you seriously just compare me to a juniper pepper?"

"C'mon, it fits you perfectly, Juniper. But kids, we need to get to England, now." William reminds.

Good thing he remembers, because I just let England slip through my mind like it was nothing.

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