o1 : Voodoo Zombie Doll

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Haunted America Tours

Resembling something
you'd pull out of your shower drain, this voodoo zombie doll originated in New Orleans and was sold through eBay to a woman in Galveston,
Texas. The eBay listing gave rules to
abide by while owning this doll. These included not removing it from its silver casing, a rule the woman broke as soon as the doll arrived. She would come to regret that decision.

The woman claims the doll
haunted her dreams and would
attack her repeatedly. She relisted it on eBay several times and succeeded
in selling it, only to have the new buyer receive an empty box while the doll kept reappearing at her doorstep.

Haunted or not, the doll is made of string and cloth and overall looks like something you'd use to clean your oven, not play with. Most recently, the doll entered the possession of a self-proclaimed ghost hunter who hopes to figure out its mystery.

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