38. Day And Night.

Start from the beginning

It was very faint, but it was still there. It smelled oddly familiar, but I couldn't point out who it was. Whoever it was, we had definitely not met in a long, long time. Following the scent, I ended up in the "Envy" station.

From there, the scent dissappeared.

Even though a million questions were running through my head, there was only one person I could think of who would dare to cause any harm to Alexis or me. She had killed someone close to me before, why won't she do it again? But this time, I knew for sure that she wasn't alone. She had a royal by her side.

"Get me Katrina," I turned to face the remaining guards who were waiting for an order, "now."

"And failed to present her alive in front of the King, will result in you losing your position." Eric added.

My men quickly moved to action, and that was when I couldn't stop myself any longer. I had to see how Alexis was doing. The desperation to find out if she'll make it through was twisting my insides. I explained some more investigation procedures to Eric, leaving him in charge as I teleported to my bedroom.

I walked closer to the bed and examined Alexis. If they didn't look down at her stomach to find the now patched up wound, anybody could mistake her for just being asleep. Her brown hair was sprayed around her beautiful face.

With her ruined make up, it was a wonder how she managed to look just as beautiful as with it on. Her long red dress was supposed to make her feel like a princess.

But now, she just looked like a dying princess.

The hope, all the positive emotions which were always splattered on her face, weren't there anymore. My eyes were begging to see that smile that made me smile. The way she frowned whenever I yelled at her, even the way she glared at me, I wanted to see it all again. It became harder for me to breathe when I noticed the dried mascara which once ran down her cheeks. She had definitely been crying before and during the time she got stabbed, which made me clench my fist. The bastard made her cry.

"How is she doing?" I cringed at how weak my voice sounded so I cleared my throat.

"Your Majesty," the doctor was struggling to find the right words, but soon started talking once I ordered him to spit it out, "she was stabbed, but thankfully the knife didn't injure any of her important organs. The wrong angle by the person also saved her life..."

"So her life isn't in danger?" I had to confirm that my princess would be alright.

"No, it's not. But..."

I glared at the fourty year old man, how dare he even try to raise up my hopes when there was clearly a "but" in his sentence?

"But she had lost too much blood, don't worry, I requested your human maid with the same blood group as her to donate blood earlier. That blood is now being filled into the patient's body." the doctor said, but I could tell he wasn't done talking.

"Then that's a good thing, right? She's going to wake up soon?" Emma, who I barely noticed stood up from the chair, came to stand next to me. Her eyes looked puffy as if she had just spent an hour crying, which made me avert my eyes from her because I was afraid I might just break too.

"That's the thing. We don't know when she will wake up. The next few days are going to be very difficult for her, both physically and emotionally. Her body needs time to heal from the event. We were on the verge of losing her heartbeat earlier, it's still faint. The sooner she wakes up, the better. But that's not in our hands, it's in hers. We can perform all sorts of different procedures on her, but at the end of the day, it's up to her to keep fighting. The main problem that we're facing here is that the patient is losing her motivation, if she hasn't lost it already. What makes us wake up every morning? A reason to live. But she doesn't have any, what I've been able to conclude is that she doesn't have a reason to wake up. She doesn't want to wake up."

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