Part two.

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But I wanna sleep next to you

And I wanna come home to you
I wanna hold hands with you
I wanna be close to you...

"CONNOR!" Jude screamed, running towards the cliff, arms outstretched.
"This is Stef Adams-Foster, I need backup and an ambulance at the Greenfield park, someone just tried to commit suicide. I am unsure the status of the boy, I am going over to asses the situation now. Please come quickly."
"CONNOR!" Jude screamed again.
"Love, back away from the cliff."
"HE'S DOWN THERE!" Jude screamed again.
"I know, but we don't want you falling over the edge. An ambulance is on its way. Back away."
"NO!" Jude said, struggling to get away from Stef. She held on tightly. "NO, THIS ISN'T-" he hiccuped. "THIS IS-IS-ISN'T HAPPENING. NO NO NO NO NO!" Jude collapsed onto the grass and started to hyperventilate. Stef kneeled next to him and rubbed his back, holding his head in her hands. "I am going to see what happened. Stay here."
"Momma I-" he said, eyes brimming.
"Stay. Here."

Stef walked over to the cliff's edge and cautiously peered down. Her hand cupped to her mouth. "Oh god."

An ambulance and several police cars started driving in, sirens aplenty. A policeman climbed out, and upon seeing Stef, pointed in her direction. "OVER THERE!" He yelled. EMT's climbed out of the ambulance with a gurney and ran towards them. "Where is he?" an EMT asked.
Jude looked up with scared eyes and wordlessly pointed behind him. The EMT nodded and kept running.

The entire situation became a blur for him. People kept talking all around him and a rescue team was frantically called, but he was mute. Numb. Every little sound became muffled as he sunk further and further down into his own little world.

"Alright we got him, lift him out of here!" an EMT shouted from below. They tied the bungee cords around the bed and started to bring it up to the cliff face. Once he was on solid ground they hoisted his body onto the gurney and started wheeling him to the ambulance.
"Move, move!" the policeman instructed, pushing people out of the way. Jude put his head into his knees and hugged himself. He couldn't look. Stef appeared beside him. "They're taking him to the hospital. I already called momma, she'll meet us there. Callie's coming too. Okay?" She said, kneeling down beside him. Jude rocked himself back and forth. "Let's go to the car." He said nothing and continued to sit there. "Honey?" Stef asked, rubbing his back. He got up and walked away without another word.

"Come on guys, everybody to the car. Stef will meet us there." Lena yelled, running around the house and grabbing her keys and coat. One by one all the Adams-Foster kids filed out of the house and went into the car, all anxious for whatever news they were gonna receive.

Stef followed the ambulance to the hospital and eventually pulled into the parking lot. Lena pulled in too. They both got out of the car and hugged each other. "How is he doing?" Lena asked. "No word on Connor yet, we just got here. But he looked pretty bad. Jude isn't talking again." Lena nodded. "Understandable." Everyone walked into the hospital, Jude coming in last.

"We're here for Connor Stevens, he just got admitted." Lena said to the woman at the front desk. "I'm sorry, are you immediate family?"
"He has no family here at the time. His father is being taken into police custody right now and his mother lives in Los Angeles. I am the police officer who found him." Stef spoke up, walking next to Lena. She flashed the woman her badge. "Well alright. In that case, please step over here so I can speak to you more about his condition." she said, motioning her to the hallway.

Jude continued not to talk. Callie grabbed his hand and squeezed it, looking out the window.

"He isn't doing so well. He's alive, which is a miracle, but he can't breathe on his own yet. He might have to go into surgery." the woman said.
"Oh my god."
"Is there anybody we can call for him? Any family?"
"Not to my knowledge." Stef said.
"I remember him mentioning that he had some grandparents that lived in the area, but I've never met them." Lena piped up.
"I will see if I can contact them."
"Thank you. It's important that Connor gets all the support he has." Stef said.
"How do you know this boy?"
"He is my son's...friend. Connor is honestly like our own son." Lena said.
"Well, I hope he pulls through. I will keep you updated if anything changes." the woman said.
"Thank you." Stef replied. She and Lena walked back to join everyone in the waiting room and the nurse walked back behind her desk.

Empty Spaces: A Jonnor FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora