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Jessica stared blankly at the wall as the tall shadow hovered over her. It was nothing new, she man she once trusted struck her once more. She had done nothing wrong, but the man insisted she was a horrible girl, that she deserved this. Jessica winced at the impact of the hand being slammed into her. It stung.

"What is this mess?" The man demanded looking over at the pile of dirty dishes. The man insisted Jessica clean the house spotless everyday, he made no exceptions. "I-" Jessica began to explain herself, but the man cut her off. "I'll tell you what it is. It's a disgrace. You should have this done already. I do so much for you and you can't even clean some dishes."

Jessica rolled her eyes, she man had never done anything nice for her, not even once.


The man slapped Jessica across the face, she was sure she'd have a bruise. "Do not roll your eyes at me." The man seethed. Jessica winced once again, but this wasn't the worse it had gotten. "Go clean the dishes before I really hurt you." The man yelled, before Jessica could get up off the cold hard floor the man sent a kick to her lower abdomen.

Jessica rolled over in pain. She grasped onto her stomach taking deep breaths, If she'd slip of and cry it would be worse. "Go."

Jessica tried to stand, but stumbled down agin; her stomach was aching with pain. "Did you not hear me? I said go clean the dishes." The man yelled again, he kicked Jessica again; she squealed out in pain. Jessica scrambled up still holding her stomach, she felt a burning sensation erupting within her abdomen which definitely shouldn't be there.

"You know what? No. If you don't respect me, then you can go back from where you came. Maybe then you'd be more grateful." The man said snatching up Jessica by her forearm, she winced in pain. At this point every part of her body hurt. Without talking Jessica let the man throw her harshly into his vehicle. "You're a mistake." The man mumbled under his breath, although Jessica heard. She didn't care, she had just enough of her new family; she was tired of being abused, yelled at, verbally abused, and so much more.

The silver car came to a stop once it reached its destination.

The orphanage.

A lot of feelings hit The young girl when she saw the building, she had lost count on how many times she'd been at this place. Jessica wiped a stray tear from her face, she couldn't cry, she wouldn't. The man hurried from the car, he dragged Jessica right behind.

Jessica shivered, after all this was the place she knew so well. After the man had knocked on the door it opened. A woman, around her mid forties, opened the door. The woman was someone Jessica knew all too well. He name was Blue, she was one of the staff at the orphanage, and not to mention she was always there for Jessica.

Blue eyed Jessica carefully with wrinkles on her face. "Is something wrong Mr. Young?" Blue asked, the man; Mr. Young gave a sour face. "Take her." He spat as he pushed Jessica into the arms of Blue, Blue's forehead creased in confusion. "But Sir, you signed the adoption papers. You took her into your family."

Jessica looked down feeling dread from being right back where she had started, she knew that Mr. Young was her last hope of getting away, but at last she was wrong. "I change my mind."

"Mr. Young that's not how this works, maybe we can get something sorted out-"

Mr. Young stopped Blue. He shook his head. "She's an ungrateful brat. If you don't take her then I'll leave her somewhere for-"

"Fine. We'll take he back in. But do not expect anything else from this orphanage or anyone here." She said while closing the door behind her. Blue was left to face Jessica who stared right back. "I'm sorry." Jessica's voice cracked, a pang of sadness hit Blue as she welcomed Jessica into her open arms. "Its going to be okay sweetie, your safe now." Blue said as she caressed Jessica's hair, Jessica winced at the touch. Her whole body still hurt. But Jessica didn't care about her body's soreness, nor did she want to care. All that lingered on her mind that night was that people lie.


And that was the new and improved prologue for People lie. I was working on this for you all and I really hope you support my ideas on changing it around a little. For all of those who are new readers, the old book doesn't really concern you reading it, but thank everyone who has supported me through the whole process of this book. I love you all


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