The Truth Spills Out

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Allison's P.O.V.
  Once again, Chandler is still asleep so I'm just watching YouTube on the laptop until he wakes up. I really wanna redo yesterday over and actually tell them the truth, besides Addy, because she already knows. Anyway, I watched 2 YouTube videos that lasted about 18 minutes each and then after the 2nd one Chandler woke up.
Good morning baby, did you have a good sleep? *giggling*
*stretching*"Matter of fact I did," he said smiling
His bed head was so funny but adorable at the same time.
Chan I need to ask you something.
"Oh no, what is it?"
Can we possibly do yesterday over again and actually tell them the truth instead of bailing? I mean, it's pretty obvious they know now.
"Oh yeah that's what I wanted to talk to you about I was goi to say that too, so yeah we can, let's go get a shower first tho"
  Okay, first let me call addy and tell her to invite Nayana and Gray over so we can tell them all
*Calling Addy*
Addy: Yes Allison?
Um, could me and Chandler have a possible redo of yesterday?
Addy: Of course! It was so hard to keep it in but I pulled it off!
You sure did, Oh and could you invite Nayana and Gray over?
Addy: Sure!
Okay we'll be over in a few hours!
Addy: Sounds Good!
*Hangs up*
   So me and Chandler got in the shower, showered, ya know, the usual and had  little fun..*Smirk* All that took about an hour.
  We got out of the shower, sadly. Then we put on some casual clothes, I did my hair, and Chan did his hair. After that, we got in the car and started on over to Addy and Sam's.
  "That shower was fun, wanna do something else tomorrow😏"
Well, that was a dumb question, OF COURSE BABY!
"Hahahahaha okay, love you"
I love you too!
We pulled into the driveway once again
we walked in
Chandler's P.O.V.
Allison began, "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, we acted like fools."
Yeah, we really did. We're going to tell you the truth. Allison and I did a few things a while ago, you know what I mean.Then, Allison started feeling weird and went to the store... Want to say the rest?
"Yeah, well um I got a pregnancy test at the store and then I took it and it tested positive, but I didn't know if it was accurate or not, so I drove to the doctor, The doctor took me in, did another one and I tested positive again. I waited and waited to see if it was right, he came back and said I was 100% pregnant! We held back from telling you so it'd be a surprise to you all. But yeah, that's what happened and yes, I have a baby bump❤️"
That's daddy's baby❤️, I said putting both of my hands on her stomach like this..

 But yeah, that's what happened and yes, I have a baby bump❤️"That's daddy's baby❤️, I said putting both of my hands on her stomach like this

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another precious memory added to the book❤️❤️
We then looked at our friends and their eyes were filled with tears..
They all SCREAMED, "WERE SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"
Thank you all for understanding! we both said
  We're going to go now, tomorrow you might not see us, but I promise the next day you will!
"Be safe!" Addy said
We will!
We drove home
Well, it feels good to know they know the truth now.. Now I'm exhausted I don't know about you.
We went on with our day, went to eat, had fun in town, and then got back home again and laid down in bed.
She whispers to me, "I can't wait for tomorrow. Goodnight, I love you"
Me either, I said, I love you too!
Soon we were both asleep from an exhausting day but it was well worth spending it with friends and family❤️

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