After a while, he caught you looking at him and smirked, walking over to you. Your heartbeat raced as you played with the bracelet on your wrist.

"Hey, I saw you looking at me over there. Want to dance?" He offered his hand and you hesitantly took it, not sure what to expect. When you got out there, a new song came on, and he immediately started dancing. You stood there awkwardly, looking at the ground. He stopped.

"What are you doing?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

"I.. I don't know how to dance," you admitted. He looked at you disgustedly and he held his hand up, cueing the DJ to stop. Everyone looked at you and Justin.

"You don't know how to dance?" Justin asked. You shook your head. Everyone around you bursted out laughing, including Justin.

"Man, how stupid can she be?" someone snorted.

"Look at her shoes. I bet she got them from Goodwill," another laughed.

"Her face makes me want to puke!"

"Even her hair is nasty."

"Everyone shut up!" Justin yelled. "She can't help it if she's ugly." They all started laughing again and you immediately ran out of the room. You went outside and sat on the curb, calling y/c/n.


"P-please come get me," you sniffled, trying to hold it in. You wrapped your arms around yourself as the air got colder.

"I'm on my way," he said worriedly, hanging up the phone. You put your phone in your purse and rubbed your arms.

A few minutes later, y/c/n pulled up in his car and rushed around to help you in. He turned the heat on and closed up all the windows. "My house?" he asked gently. You nodded and pulled out your phone, texting your parents that you'd be staying at his house tonight.

He pulled into his driveway, and helped you out of the car. You waved a hello to his parents as you went upstairs to his room. He handed you one of his t-shirts and his smallest pair of sweatpants, and stepped outside to let you change. Once you were done and had taken off your makeup, you opened the door for him to come in. You sat on his bed and stared at the ground, fumbling with your fingers. He sat down next to you and put an arm around your shoulders.

"Y/c/n, am I ugly?" you asked, looking up at him. He was taken aback by this and his facial expression softened.

"What happened at the party, y/n?" Tears started to spill over as you rested your forehead on y/c/n's shoulder.

"They c-called me so m-many things, y/c/n. Including J-Justin," you mumbled, hugging his side.

"Oh y/n," y/c/n exhaled softly, gently pushing a piece of hair behind your ear.

"They were right, I really am that ugly," you cried. He lifted your chin, and you looked up at him with tears still running down your cheeks. He carefully wiped them away with his thumb.

"Y/n, please trust me when I say that you are absolutely beautiful. All of your little imperfections just add to your beauty, because it shows that not everyone is perfect. You are one of the most amazing people I know, okay?"

You looked at your feet. "That's a lie. You have to say that because you're my best friend."

Y/c/n stood up and started pacing, something he does when he's frustrated. "Y/c/n?.."

"Why can't you see that I'm in love with you? For years, I've watched you get hurt by other people. Do you know how much it's killed me inside, to know that I could be treating you so much better? But no, I watched you take their shit, no matter how much I warned you. I can't do this anymore, y/n. I am in love with you, and if you would just open your eyes you would see that." He stopped pacing, and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."

You stood up in front of him, and he looked at you worriedly. He was shocked as you tightly hugged him, and hugged back after it set in. You pulled back after a few minutes, and put your hand on his cheek.

"I've always loved you, y/c/n," you smiled. He smiled back, picking you up and spinning you around twice before setting you down. His cheeks were pink as he took your hands in his.

"Y/n, w-would you do me the honor of b-being my girlfriend?" You smiled and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled away after a couple of seconds. "Is that a yes?"

You nodded and giggled as he picked you up once again and kissed you all over your face. After he set you down, your stomach grumbled.

"Hungry?" he chuckled. You nodded. "Pizza?"

"Pizza," you agreed.


Honestly this even gave me the feels. Please leave a comment on what you thought, and if I should have her (McKenna) write a few more imagines for this book.

I'm sorry for not updating in so long, I have been going through a lot of personal issues lately so that kind of held me back. In addition to this update, I will be uploading three new chapters for Jock to the Rescue tomorrow (I know you guys have been asking for me to update that one).

Also, I am not receiving messages properly for some reason. I am working on getting it fixed, and will let you know when it starts working again.

Make sure to comment and vote! Love you all!

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