Dan Howell x Reader | Youtuber

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Sorry, I know this is pretty short... but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways! ^~^


The word brought mixed emotions to your mind.

Because there was Easter and flowers and the nice mix between rainy days in and cooling breezes... but there were also allergies.

And we all know that spending your time sneezing the day away isn't ideal. But you had to suck it up.

If only you weren't supposed to be recording.

"So, like I promised, today I'll be doing the- ACHOO."

You weren't sure whether to laugh or cry as you sneezed for the umpteenth time in the last half an hour. You had lost count after twenty. With a frustrated groan, you rubbed the tissue across your nose before burying your face in your arms.

"What's up sneezy? Where's the rest of the dwarves?"

Dan's light teasing was not helping anything. In response, you let out a mangled groan, wanting to just collapse into the bed where you were filming- well ... attempting to.

You could hear Dan chuckling as he made his way towards you. A few seconds later, his hand was rubbing your back as he tugged you to lean into his side.

"Make it stop," you groaned, before quickly stuffing your tissue to your nose to block another sneeze. With a look of disgust, you tossed it into the quickly filling waste basket, grabbing another tissue.

"(y/n), you can't record if you're constantly sneezing like this," Dan said gently with a laugh. "You're one sneeze away from getting snot all over the camera."

"But... I couldn't do it last week because I was getting the camera fixed and I couldn't the week before because- Achoo! - because I was helping Pj- sniff - and I really need to get this up... upload- ACHOO!"

Dan couldn't contain his chuckles anymore. With a hearty laugh, he slipped an arm underneath your knees and you were suddenly swept out of your bedroom and into the living room. Dan deposited you onto the couch- with a teasing "stay here"- and left the room.

Five minutes- and about seven sneezes- later, he was back, turning on the TV and resting his arm across your shoulder.

With a sigh to show you were giving up, you allowed yourself to cuddle into his side and pull the blanket over your shoulders. Dan was prepared. He had a tissue box on the coffee table and a water bottle with some pills to place into your hands, turning off some of the lights and turning on (your favorite Disney movie).

"It's actually nice out today!" you complained quietly, rubbing the tissue against your nose in defiance.

You wanted to glare at the flowers on the balcony and the Easter print outs that Phil had precariously hung up in an attempt to get more festive- how dare they be so cheery while you could hardly smell, your nose was constantly dripping, and your eyes were starting to get itchy.

"Yeah, we'll you're too sick to record a video inside- forget trying to go outside. Now stop being stubborn and just cuddle with me for today."

Turns out Dan was right, as not even twenty minutes later, your eyes were drifting closed, hand still clutching your tissue and giving to occasional sniff. As you finally gave into your exhaustion- Hey! Sneezing takes a lot out of you!- Dan looked down and couldn't help but smile. You were a stubborn one sometimes- but he wouldn't give you up for anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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