Shima Renzo | Blue Exorcist

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Shiemi glanced at you with worried eyes as you clenched your chopsticks in your hand, your eyes watching across the courtyard at Shima, who was shamelessly flirting with a gaggle of girls.

Hesitantly reaching forward, Shiemi slipped the chopsticks from your hand, in fear that you would snap them.

"I don't understand," Izumo stated with a somewhat bored sigh. "If you like him so much, then why do you always reject him when he flirts with you?"

You allowed your eyes to stop burning into the bimbos' heads, instead clenching your fists and glaring at the bento box in your lap. "For exactly that reason. If he really liked me, he wouldn't flirt with everything that moved."

Though you tried to hid it the girls noticed your voice crack, and exchanged quick looks. Shiemi placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "It's okay, (y/n)-chan. "

You gave a sigh as you looked up, dabbing around your eyes to make sure no unwanted tears had escaped.

"It's almost time for Mr. Okumara's class. I'll meet you guys there."

Unknown to you, Shima's eyes followed your hunched form, a pained feeling forming in his stomach when he saw you furiously wipe at your eyes.

"Stupid Shima... stupid emotions... stupid girls who are better than me..."

Your quiet ranting was the only noise that filled the empty cram school hallways as you stalked towards Yukio's classroom, sulking into your seat, allowing your head to thud against the desk.

"Why do I have to like him...?" you whispered sullenly to yourself.

"Don't feel bad, (y/n)! No one can resist me!"

You cringed as the one voice you didn't want to hear sounded out.

You heard multiple pairs of footsteps, so it was easy to assume that Shima was joined by Bon and Konekomaru. Keeping your head down, you loud out a simple sigh.

Slightly put out by your lack of response, Shima frowned. His last resort was a tactic he had been using much too often for everyone's liking- jealousy.

"Did you see the red-head at lunch? Wouldn't mind spending more time with her!" Shima laughed out, sliding into his seat on the other side of the room behind Bon and Konekomaru.

Your shoulders tensed up at his words, but Shima wanted more.

The other students slowly started trickling in. Feeling someone beside you, you could feel Shiemi looking over your form. "Are you alright, (y/n)?" she whispered in concern.

"And the bluenette?! Man, she was smoking."

Your nails were biting into your palms from your tight grip. You tried to shut his words out, to stop them from having such an affect on you- any affect at all. Sadly, it didn't seem to be working.

"That chick with the green eyes was pretty hot too!"

Konekomaru tried to edge in a word of caution, his eyes catching you figure, which was begging to shake- with what he suspected were tears. "Uh... Shima, I think that's enough."

"But I haven't even started on that tall blonde girl-"

By this point, there was no stopping the tears that blurred your vision and stained your cheeks. Your chest burned with heartbreak and anger- not towards him, but towards yourself, for allowing his words to affect you. No matter how many times you had told yourself he wouldn't like you and you should let go of him, you couldn't help but clutch to that small hope- the small hope that he was currently crushing into a million pieces.

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