Chapter 1: Wonderland

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Dipper Pines is a 16 year old boy studying for his English PAT's, his twin sister Mabel told him being outside in the forest would be an ideal place for him to study. As it turns out, she was right, well that is other than the fact that Piedmont, California doesn't have an awful lot of forest for him to go study in.

Dipper sat down outside in a tree, near his house. The Brunette's cat -well, not his cat per say, the boy just fed and took care of a stray kitten whom was there fore Dipper when needed.- followed him along to said tree, and played in the dead flowers on the ground. Dipper chuckled, an picked up the small kitten, placing the puff of living fur into his sweater pocket so he could climb the tree. Once at the top, he pulled the feline out of his pocket placing her on the branch he was sitting on. 

"Now, Delilah, sit still, we wouldn't want you falling now." Dipper said taking his bag off his shoulders and going into it, digging out the textbook, and notebook he needed for Deplomate English 10. After a few minutes of Dipper focusing on English, the kitty put her paws on top of the text book, peeking over at what Dipper was doing. "Delilah, Careful!" he panicked a bit picking up Delilah and setting her in his lap. 

"Stay there, and be careful" Dipper said once more, which Delilah respected, sitting there nuzzled into Dippers soft, warm bunny hug. After about two hours of studying Dipper closed his book and started to pack up. The sun was setting and the sky was a lovely shade of burnt sienna, mixed with a hint of gold. Dipper looked at the sleeping kitty in his lap. "Oh Delilah, it's time to go" he said lifting the sleepy kitty off his lap an putting her in his pocket as the boy climbed down the tree. 

Dipper sat himself down in the grass below the tree just double checking if he had everything, once one he looked up, Brown hair falling into his eyes he fixed his hat to push them back. Marveling at the sky and the sunset, Dipper decided to take the few live flowers spread about and around the tree to make a flower crown big enough for Delilah. Thanks to Mabel he knew how to make the loveliest of flower crowns. 

The sun had set and the laughter from the crown had passed, now all that was left, was a sleeping Dipper Pines, under an old oak tree, in the middle of a field. Delilah lay asleep on his lap as well, the small flower crown made of daisies, falling into her small beady eyes. 

Abruptly Dipper awoke, he looked up and no longer saw a beautiful golden and auburn sunset, but a clear blue sky. The boy looked around confused then saw he was laying in a field of daisies. It was quite a marvelous daisy crop indeed. The brunette shot up, looking for his backpack and Delilah, both of which were nowhere insight. 

Dipper stood up, wandering a bit, being careful not to crush the daisies. A soft wind broke the silence, making the sound of flowing water be heard. It was calming, and peaceful, Dipper made his way towards the sound of water, and saw a stream. Looking down he saw his reflection. The boy smiled softly an sat on his knees looking around, and running his fingers through the daisies. 

Dipper started to laugh a little imagining the unimaginable. humming a little bit of a tune before singing. 

"Cats and Rabbits, Would reside in fancy little houses, and be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers, In a world of my own. 

All the flowers, would have very extra special powers, they would sit and talk to me for hours, when I'm lonely in a world of my own.

Dipper smiled singing softly twiddling with the flowers around him. Ah, how he loved daisies. A blue bird flew down and started tweeting the tune Dipper was singing.

"There'd be new birds, lots of nice and friendly howdy-do birds, everyone would have a dozen bluebirds, Within that world of my own.

I could listen to a babbling brook, and hear a song that I could understand,

I keep wishing, it could be that way, Because my world would be a 


Dipper laughed softly tapping the water with the last note, watching the ripples follow each other to the bank of the stream. The brunette laid down on his stomach, folding his arms an resting his head in them. His eyes got heavy and he shut them for a moment, that moment was broken by somebody shouting. 

"I'm Late!, I'm Late, For a very important date! No time to say Hello, Goodbye I'm late, I'm Late, I'm Late!" 

Dipper jolted up and saw Mabel, but it wasn't Mabel. She had big white ears, a red sweater with a hourglass on it and a pocket watch attached to her headband, which was also red. 

"Mabel?!" Dipper got up chasing after her, "Mabel wait slow down, What are you late for-" 

Mabel cut him off "I'm over due, I'm in a stew, No time to say Goodbye, Hello! I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late!!" Then she ran into a hole, As Dipper approached this hole it got smaller, small to a point where he had to get onto his knees to see into it. 

"Mabel!" he called into the hold "Mabel Hold on!" He crawled into it, following the hole that progressively got bigger the further he crawled. Well, that is, until he reached a cliff. Where, he slipped down and fell off. 

"Ahhhh!!!" Dipper screamed as he tumble down this hole, into an abyss of Darkness. It wasn't dark for long because soon he fell into a colorful tube, there were clocks, chairs, floating tables. Dipper fell directly into a rocking chair, it tipped forwards and back, pushing Dipper out of it to continue falling. soon he saw a room. 

Smiling Dipper landed softly, then everything flipped, he looked up and saw the room was upside down. "Weird" he said, and on cue the room flipped sending Dipper to the ground of this checkerboard room with an 'oof'. Dipper knocked his head on the ground and everything went black. 

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