Um... hi?

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The teacher walked in and smiled. "Good morning 

new juniors! You 12 have been chosen by your outstanding grades to be in AP English." He flashed

a smile, "hope you like it." The next 50 min was a blur. We did a fun assignment on our summer 

reading and he gave us very little homework. I knew he was going to be one of my favorite 

teachers. We left the classroom and were walking down the hallway when I sighed. "I left my binder in

there, y'all don't have to wait." They protested and told me that of course they would wait and I walked

back towards Mr. Davidson's classroom. I grabbed my English binder and walked out of the classroom

and straight into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorr-" I stopped. I was looking into the most gorgeous

eyes I had ever seen.

He smiled easily and my heart failed. "No biggie. " I managed a smile and watched as he bent 

down to pick up one of his folders that had fallen. His muscles rippled under his shirt and when 

he straightened, his hair looked wind blown and just dad gum perfect. I gulped. What's wrong 

with me, I thought, I don't get flustered over boys. I heard him say, "So Cal, what class do you 

have next?" I made a face that I'm sure was very attractive and said, "Chemistry" He laughed at my

scrunched nose and said, "I have English so I'll walk you." I started to protest but he cut me off. "It's on

the way, don't worry, I don't bite." I smiled my thanks and we set off. I noticed about a hundred girls

staring at me enviously. I laughed at them in my head but thought, don't worry ladies, it won't last. 

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