Chapter Four

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"May I present General Niklaus Mikaelson, Chief of the Germanic tribes. Accompanying him are Rosalina Carvagi, daughter of Senator Carvagi, and his two brothers, Lieutenants Elijah and Kol."

The group of four stepped through the doors, smiling at the dignitaries already gathered around the tables and dining hall. Klaus led the way, Rosalina gripping tightly to his arm. Elijah and Kol walked on either side, nodding to the other men in the room and giving a slight bow to the ladies.

"Presenting Kleon Oditis, new captain of the Roman Army, troop 32, accompanied by Nicola Carvgi, daughter of Senator Carvagi." 

Kleon raised his free arm in greeting to the cheers that rose from the room. Nicola smiled beside him, whispering, "Seems as if they're all eager for your next escapade."

Kleon kept a broad smile, continuing forward to their seats at the table. "They just want their empire back, Nica. They miss the secure feeling of being completely in power." Nicola let the grim realization set in, keeping her smile as she nodded to every man they passed by.

"Now, presenting our gracious host, Senator Rufus Carvagi."

The cheers rose even louder, and everyone seated rose in applause. Rufus laughed, waving once, then walking to his seat at the head of the table, shaking everyones hands along the way and kissing the ladies on the cheek. Once he arrived at his seat, everyone quieted, waiting to hear him speak.

"My fellow Romans and dignified guests. Welcome, to my palace." He smiled around the room. "While you are here, treat it as your own home. I want to first, offer a congratulations on a young man who deserves this more than anyone I know. I have treated him as my son, and I almost wish he was." Nicola nudged Kleon under the table with her foot, and he set his hand on her knee, keeping his poker face.

"Kleon, congratulations on being promoted to captain!" Applause rose again, and Kleon waved them off, smiling only at Rosalina across the way and her father.

Rufus waited for it to die down, then continued. "Finally, my thanks to our friends from the Germanies, for accepting this meager meal on such short notice." He clapped, and the servants brought out the eight deer Nicola and Rosalina had killed, roasted and surrounded by side dishes. Rufus laughed, then sat. "Let the celebration commence!"

Servants dished out the meal, pouring wine and water. Food was passed, laughter was heard, and Rufus held hands with both of his daughters, seated on either side of him. 

"I'm so proud of both of you. And for what the future may hold, I could not be more grateful." He squeezed their hands, looking at each of them in turn. "Your mother would be so happy."

Rosalina leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, and Nicola rolled her eyes. "Enough with the sappy father speech, let us eat!"

Rufus laughed, dropping their hands. "As you wish, my dears!"

The meal continued through five courses, with everyone stuffed by its' end. Slowly, the ladies and their escorts retired until the only ones left were the Carvagi's, their entourages, Rufus and his old army companions. 

"More wine!" One shouted, and Rufus laughed.

"My friend, we've already emptied three tankards ourselves! And that's after half the guests have left!" Rufus rocked back in his chair, laughter and momentum taking him backwards, making him crash on the floor. Klaus and Kleon both jumped up to help him, still laughing, to stand again.

"Father, I think it's time to get you to bed." Nicola laughed, standing as well with Rosalina not far behind. Rufus nodded, giggles still spilling out of his mouth. "Ah, all my children helping me. This is a family I would like to see."

Rosalina glanced at Klaus and blushed, while Nicola merely laughed again. "Yes, definitely time for him to retire." She turned to the men still gathered. "Thank you all for coming, it was so good to see all of you."

One of the veterans laughed. "Oh, little Nikki and Rosie. It's been good to watch you two grow up." He stood, the others rising with him. "We'll see you at the next hunting competition, yes?"

"Only Nicola is competing in this one." Rosalina said quietly, coming to her sister's side.

"They just wanted to give you blockheads a fighting chance!" Rufus bellowed, laughing again. The old men all laughed together, each calling insults to the others before finally retiring with threats of winning later this week.

Rufus' laughter died down, and he turned to the remaining people in the room. "You all are welcome to stay and finish off the wine. I'll be off to my chambers. It was nice meeting with you all, and I'll see you in a couple days." He wobbled off, belching loudly as he exited the hall.

"On the plus side, I don't think there's any wine to finish off." Kol offered, breaking the silence.

Nicola snorted. "I don't think the palace will have wine for another week!" She turned to Klaus' brothers. "I also don't think I've had the pleasure to make your acquaintances, sirs."

"I don't believe you have." Kol stepped forward, offering out his hand. "I'm Kol, youngest brother of Niklaus." Nicola reached out to meet his hand and he swept it up towards his mouth in one fluid motion, kissing the top of it gently. "Might I add, you do look beautiful this evening."

Nicola laughed and Elijah put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I think my brother had a hand in depleting your wine storage tonight, excuse him." He bowed slightly. "I'm Elijah, Niklaus' elder brother." 

"It's nice to meet you." Kleon said, coming forward to stand protectively beside Nicola. His 6'6" frame towered over theirs, and Kol smirked. 

"Am I to assume the sweet girl has a bodyguard?"

Nicola smirked, grabbing Kleon's hand in her own. Rosalina's eyes widened as Nicola replied just as sarcastically, "A little more than just that."

Kol frowned, then turned to his brothers. "I think it is time for us as well to retire to our chambers. Shall we?" He smirked at Nicola. "I do hope to see you again soon." Kol whipped around and stalked out, followed by a laughing Elijah. Klaus stayed behind to kiss Rosalina's hand, then followed quickly.

"I don't like him." Kleon stated, crossing his arms.

Nicola giggled. "You don't like any man that calls me pretty." She flipped her hair. "I rather enjoy the attention."

Out in the hallway, where the brothers were walking, Kol continued to eavesdrop.

If it's attention you want, He thought to himself, Then that's exactly what you'll get.

The Carvagi Sisters: Book One--The RiseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu