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MARCUS ----------------------------------------------------->


"Come in." Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shiiiiiiiiit.

Don't panic. I got this...I think.

Slowly pushing the door open, I'm created with a long mahogany table that seats at least 20 people.

At the head of the table are two of the most attractive men I've ever seen. They both gave short black hair and blue eyes but the vibes they give are dead giveaways as to who's who.

The one on the left, who I assume is Marcus, seems to have this calm brotherly vibe to him. Plus he's smiling which is helping to ease my nerves. Maybe he and I will be friends, if I get the job that is.

On the other hand is Christiano. He's just bringing the nerves back as his eyes scan my body and seem to look through me. It's quite creepy if you ask me. Besides that, he seems really closed off and calculates everything around him. If I didn't know better, I'd think he's a criminal trying not to be found.

"Please. Take a seat." See, even his voice sounds robotic. I have no idea how Marcus can deal with that. Maybe he's not always like that.

"...about this job?"

"Excuse me?" At least I can form words now.

"How did you hear about this job?" This time Marcus asks and seems more encouraging and friendly.

"Your brother Leo." As soon as the words leave my mouth, the atmosphere seems to darken. Why? I have no clue.

"So you came to an interview to be an assistant to people you know nothing about?"

"Yeah. I guess." Christiano just scoffs before turning his attention to his twin.

"I know what you're thinking but maybe Leo's onto something. She could know how to be an assistant."

"Do you really think she would know how to be an assistant to billionaire twins who run the most well-known business company in the U.S.? If the answer isn't yes, then we might as well just send her on her way. She doesn't even look the part anyway." Ouch. "She'd be eaten alive by other female employers. Girls like her can't handle working in a place like this. Girls like her probably don't even go to college let alone graduate. Girls like her should go home and not come back." By the end, icy blue eyes are glaring at me with such disgust and hatred it actually hurts.

"Just for your information, I skipped 2 grades, graduated from Columbia with my master's in business at the age of 22, and was valedictorian while I managed 2 jobs. Girls like me have hopes and dreams to be seen as equals but I guess that doesn't matter to you. Girls like me have to try twice as hard to get where other girls are because of the way we look. Girls like me won't stand around and be insulted by ignorant, belligerent, men who think they're better than everyone else. Girls like me hope that Marcus has a nice day while you Christiano can burn in hell." I quickly get up from the chair and make as dramatic of an exit as possible.

"Stupid, pompous jack-AHHHHH!" Before I can take 4 steps from the room, I'm pulled back with excessive force.

"Please take your seat. My brother is just having a hard time. We've been having interviews for the past 3 weeks, hired and fired 8 temps, and really need a business oriented assistant. You're as good as it gets." As Marcus walks back to his seat, I resume my chair from before completely ignoring Christiano's stare.

"As I was saying before my twin blatantly insulted you, Leo has helped us with assistants before and most of the times they'll be great assistants until they try and get too close and start some scandal with us. Unlike the other girls, you seem to have your head on straight and have a very good education. Despite my brother's ignorant suggestions about you, I think you would be a great assistant if what you say is true. We just need to run a quick background check to make sure we aren't hiring a criminal. Now, I would like to know more about you seeing as you may well be our new assistant."

Wow. That's a total game changer. I expected them to let me walk out without any consideration. How wrong I was.

"Um...well, my name's Lola Esposito. I also have a twin brother but I got my mom's brown eyes while he got dad's blue eyes. I'm the daughter of Francesco and Gianna Esposito. I'm 23 and have been working since I was 14. I always wanted to work in business because it opens a lot of doors for the future. Like I said before, I graduated in business with my master's and couldn't be happier. Oh, and I broke 8 guys' noses when they made fun of my weight and 6 arms when they made fun of my brother. Just to let you know." Yup, I may be on the larger side but I never let other people intimidate me. I'm shy but defensive.

"Well, I definitely like you and by next week you'll probably be working here. What do you think oh twin of mine?" Finally taking notice of Christiano, I see a look of shock and adoration mask his face.

"I think I'm an ass. I know I don't like to admit it but I was wrong. You're different than the other curvy women that we've gone through. You're stronger and definitely smarter than the rest. You also seem like a very sweet woman. I'm sorry for my rude words before. I thought you'd be just as brainless as the rest that came through. Please accept my dearest apology Ms. Esposito." Not only am I is staring openmouthed at Christiano but so is Marcus. Guess he never saw his twin apologize or call himself an ass. But the more shocking part is that he didn't call me big or large; he called me curvy. Shocker of the century people.

"So can we keep her?" Marcus asks with excitement.

Keep me? What. The. Actual. Fuck?

"That is if she wants to work here. What do you say Lola? Wanna work for us?"

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