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Note to self: lock door to keep Kale out.



"Whaaaat?" I grumble into my pillow.

"It's 6:30 and don't you start work today?" Work? What the hell is he ta- SHIT! I only have an hour until this interview type thing.

Slower than I ever got up, I finally stand up from bed just to lean into Kale.

"Come on baby sis. You gotta job interview today and you gotta rock this!" Thanks for the encouragement...not.

"Cut it with the 'baby sis' crap. It's only by a minute." Yup, you heard right. I have a twin brother who's older than me by a minute and never hesitates to remind me constantly.

"Time is time. Speaking of time, you're running out of it. Shower. Now." Trudging to the bathroom, I turn on the water to warm, strip down and get in.

Shower time normally means thinking time and thinking is all I've been doing since I met Leo.

Seriously, who gives someone they don't know an interview to be an assistant for people unknown to the future interviewee?

I'm not saying that I'm not grateful. I'm just saying that it's weird and the odds of me getting the job are slim.

Aren't most assistants like blonde twigs? If so then I definitely won't get the job because not only am I not blonde but I'm nowhere near a twig. According to my brother, I'm curvy but to other people I'm just fat. I accepted the fact that I'm not a twig but I know I'm not fat. My dad said I have "curves" and should "embrace what I was graced with".

If dad was right, then I'd be in a relationship and not alone while everybody else I know is in love and out enjoying life.

I'm not trying to seem pitiful because I'm not. I'm just saying that I want to meet someone that sees me and not my body type.

UGH! This shower definitely sucks.

"Lola! It's 7!!!" Sometime during my shower, I washed and shaved. How I did that? I have no idea whatsoever.

I hope out, dry off, and leave the bathroom for my closet.

"Half an hour Lola!" I grab my bra and panties before just staring at my closet.

What the hell am I supposed to wear to an interview?

I don't wanna overdress and I definitely don't wanna underdress. Plus, I don't even know much about the job I'm interviewing for. I could be interviewing to be a strip club owners assistant for all I know. Even though I'd be a horrible assistant because I'd be uncomfortable the whole time.

The point is that I have no clue who I'm interviewing for and that's making it hard to choose an outfit.

I quickly grab my robe before calling Kale for his thoughts.

"Kale!" Thundering footsteps are heard as Kale practically speed stomps to my room.

"Twenty minutes and what?"

"What would you wear to an interview that you don't know much about?"

"What do you know about the job?"

"It's an assistant's job for these two brothers. They've run through 18 assistants in 3 months. So tell me what to wear." The last part sounds like I'm whining but I can't help it. This unknown kinda interview scares me especially not know specifically who I'll be working for.

"Just grab your black pencil skirt, sapphire blue tank, matching earrings and black heels. Simple yet professional." Kale smirks before dodging my pillow and leaving.

I grab what Kale suggested but instead of random black heels, I grab my black Louboutin's.

Heading towards the door, I hug Kale and grab my keys.

"Good luck. Oh and you have 15 minutes to get there a lit bit early." I nod in acknowledgement before closing the door and heading to the garage for my baby.

My baby is really just my all black Range Rover with tinted windows.

Unlocking the doors, I slide in and start the engine. Turning to wired 96.5, Calvin Harris' Sweet Nothing comes on.

Needless to say, it. Went. Down.

Five or so more minutes of singing like an idiot later, I finally arrive at 748 Crest Street.

Just like the rest of the buildings, this building is huge. Not 12 floor huge but like 30 floors huge with a CEO top floor. I hope I done have to work for them.

Wait. Leo said I had to go to the top floor which means...cue loud gulp.

"Shit." I park in the building garage and make my way to the receptionist; some woman in her early forties with long brown hair and friendly forest green eyes.

"Hello dear. How may I help you today?" Aww, she reminds me of my nana.

"I'm supposed to go to the top floor and meet to with Andrea. Is that alright with you?"

"Sure dear. Just make sure you find Andrea and don't just walk off." Giving her a reassuring smile, I head to the elevator that holds my impending doom.

Pressing the 34 button, I lean against the walls and watch as people get on and off while I just stand here looking like a weirdo.

The torture of being stared at finally stops when we reach the 34th floor.

Everyone quickly exits while I look for the receptionist desk and Andrea.

Stopping to think, someone rudely bumps into me.

Turning to face them, I see a tall tanned woman with long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. If it weren't for the scowl on her face, she'd look really pretty.

"Watch where you're going big mama." Ouch. That hurt. I know I'm not twig skinny but am I really that big?

"Back off Cali. You're just mad you don't have curves like her." Spinning on my heel, I see a girl with jet black hair and big brown eyes.

"If I wanted her 'curves', I'd just sit home and eat cake and ice cream." With that Cali walks away snickering.

"Don't mind her. She's just bitter because she can't get with the boss since he doesn't like her." Well that's nice to know but who is this girl. She probably saw my confusion before extending her hand.

"Hi. I'm Andrea, the receptionist. And you are?" Great, the person that defends me is the woman I'm looking for. I like it here already.

"I'm Lola. I'm here for the assistant position." Surprise and happiness flashes through her eyes before she drags me towards what I think is the conference room.

"Ok. In there are two of the most powerful men I've ever met. I'm not sure how much you know about the position you're going for but know that not many can handle them. Seeing as they're twins, it's double the attitude and double the work. However, Marcus is the nicer twin. He's normally smiling and very relaxed. The twin you should be worrying about it Christiano. He's the more work oriented, never smiling, and harsh twin. If he doesn't approve then you won't get this job. If you get the job and quit, it'll probably be because you couldn't tolerate him and his hostile attitude. I've been here for two years right outta college and I've seen them go through at least 200 assistants. Either they were too old, too young, too inexperienced, too lazy, or worst of all too slutty. I believe you can get this job and keep it. Good luck." And with that, she leaves me there to face my doom.

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