Chapter 3: First Day of School

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Hey Guys sorry for the long wait I had things I needed to do and my other stories needed some updating. This is the third chapter. Most of this is just information but some of it is actually going to be interesting. *Evil smirk*. Well sit back and enjoy the third chapter of The Alpha's Fox Mate.

Chapter 3: First Day of School

I wake up at five the next morning and get dressed in a long dark blue dress with slits up the sides. My black hair is mostly back in a ponytail while some of it is circling my face. I walk down and start fixing breakfast. Rena comes down five minutes later in a red dress that reaches her knees.  She starts to make the toast while I finish the scrambled eggs and sausage. Soon Emily and Kara come down and help with getting the table set for brreakfast.

"Breakfast," I yell just loud enough for everyone in the house to hear me as I sit down with my full plate.

The boys run down and clambor for their food. While me and the girls just sit there eating and drinking. We finish eating and grab our things after putting our stuff in the washer. I hop on my Harley and lead the way to school. When we get there people stare at us. I shake my head and hop off of my bike. My pack gathers around me as we head into the school. Humans gasp when they see how handsome the boys are and how beautiful the girls are. Jerin, Dossin, and Dax wrap their arms around their mates while Jason stands behind Rena and I warding off any idiots who think they can come and try to take us away from the pack.

"Enough Jason calm down. Come on guys follow me to the office. Let's see if this girl still remembers how the school is after three years of not seeing it," I say.

I lead everyone to the office and step into it with ease. I walk up to the desk and wait for the receptionist while my pack waits outside in the hall.

"Hello my name is Madalena and I came here with my friends we are new here but there are to many of us to fit in the office so would it be fine if I got all of our scheduals please," I ask the lady.

"Of course. That is no problem. Here are the scheduals. You seem pretty advanced miss Madalena," comments the lady.

"I took advanced courses while i was in France for the last three years," I tell her.

"Oh okay. Here are the maps for you guys and everything else. School started here about a month ago so you guys are not to far behind," she tells me.

"Thanks," I say.

I walk out of the office and hand them their scheduals. I look down at mine and see that I have all of the classes that I requested.

Madalena's Schedual:

First Period: AP English

Second Period: AP Calculas

Third Period: AP Macro

Fourth Period:Three D Art

2nd Lunch

Fifth Period:AP Anatomy

Sixth Period: Study Hall

Seventh Period: Gym 4

Eigth Period: French Conversation

Yea French Conversation is going to be easy. I already know the language and have been speaking it for the last three years in school and in the streets but with my friends I have alwys spoke english. I head to first period. The day passes quickly and the teachers are very kind but I have one problem and that problem is named Lina.

During lunch, me and my pack sit down at a long table outside underneath the tree while eating a lunch that each of us prepared for ourselves. We prefer our own things and like to eat as healthy as possible. A few minutes later LIna and her group of friends as well as some jokeys come outside and glare at us.

"Get out of our spot riff raff," demands Lina.

"No, we shall not and why should we folow your orders," replies Jason.

"Because I am the queen bee of this school," she says sweetly while giving him a show of her breasts.

"How does your mate let you out like that Lina," I demand.

"Oh and who are you," she growls.

"Oh I am hurt Lina. You don't remember me and I did say I was coming back didn't I," I say in a fakely sweet tone.

"Who the hell are you," she yells.

"My name as you should know is Madalena," I whisper grabing her by the throat and slamming her into a tree.

Lina's eyes open wide in surprise. She spits at me and tries using her claws to get me off of her. I only tighten my hol on her neck.

"Madalena I thought you were gone forever. Come on girl lets be friends. I have changed so much in the last three years," she tells me.

"No you haven't Lina. you are still nothing but a slut. I can smell all the males on you. You are no different than you were three years ago. Leave us alone," I say shoving her away.

Lina left the court yard along with the rest of her friends. As I said the rest of the day was very uneventful.

Alright gusy that is it for now. i am ou of ideas for the chapter. The next chapter shall be up soon. Thanks for reading and please vote, comment, and fan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2011 ⏰

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