The Mysterious Toon

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Red Cats POV

I need to finish my task ride the trolley huh that should be easy right?

So I jumped on the trolley and waiting for it to go into the tunnel then out of no where another toon went on he looked like a green dog with a fedora and green shoes on including a blue shirt with a soccer ball on it and shorts with a belt.

"Hai" I said politel

He didn't say anything back he didn't even look at me "Rude" I mumbled under my breath.

Then the trolley went into the tunnel and I couldn't see anything.

We were in a pink room Minnie was in between in she explained the game.

"Welcome to Match Minnie! In this game you will need to repeat my dance moves by going up down left and right! The toon who gets it the fastest wins! There will be four rounds good luck!

Ok I got this I said to myself.

"Up Down"

I decided to try to take my time it took me 3 seconds I thought I won but the dog got it in under 1 second my jaw dropped he must be a pro.

"Up Down Up Left!"

I decided to go a little faster this time finishing in under 2 seconds but he finished in 1 second.

"Up Down Up Left Left Right!"

I decided to keep at the same speed he had to mess up on one point eventually.

Right when I said that he messed up on the 3rd move. So I got a point I celebrated too soon I didn't see what moves Minnie did so I had to guess.

Up Down Up Left Left Right Down Left.


I failed the last one the last one was right.

Me and the dog appeared in front of a building we got Beans I only got 15 while he got 20 and it seamed he could hold a lot more beans than me.

All of the sudden this red bunny came out of no where she showed me how to buy gags I bought 7 Cupcakes and 7 Squirting Flowers.

She showed me what other gags I'll be getting soon.

The Throw Row said, Cupcake, Slice of Fruit Pie, Slice of Cream Pie, Whole Fruit Pie, Whole Cream Pie, Birthday Cake, and Wedding Cake.

The Squirt Row said, Squirting Flower, Glass of water, Squirt gun, Seizer Bottle, Hose, Storm Cloud, and the Geyser.

(Note: Not all of these gags will have the correct name I'm still using them from memory.

I was going to play another trolley game but the bunny rushed me out and said I needed to go to the HQ to turn in my task so I just did that.

"Man what is with these people and rushing" I said quietly

I walked into the HQ I turned in my task and they told me I needed to defeat a cog to get a Black Board Eraser! A BLACK BOARD ERASER I mean they can go get it themselves but I'll be nice and I'll do it for them.

So I walked in the playground and went down a street that said Loopy Lane.

When I  got there I saw these Green cogs with suits on that looked like doctors.

While I was studying them one snuck up on me from behind.

Before I knew it I was in a battle.

I knew I had limited time to attack so I had to ask fast.

I threw a cupcake at it only did 4 damage and barely got his button on his suit to yellow then he attacked he threw a can which got me to 7 Laff I knew this was the end there was nothing I could do, then out of no where the same dog came out of no where and said softly "Pass" so I did just that. He pulled out a 10 dollar bill and the spin doctor got lured apparently.

So the dog was going to use a birthday cake so I used a cupcake because that's all helpful I could do, ip the cog exploded and I ran to the sidewalk. Before I could say Thank You the dog vanished, so I just decided to walk back into the tunnel.


Ok so maybe this chapter was a little predictable but I hope yall enjoyed it
Nevertheless this will probably be the last chapter I'll write today..

I'm excited to see yalls character entries see yall soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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