43. Do you love me

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I asked you, " Do you love me?"

And you said, "Of course"

But I heard hesitation in your voice

And I saw the doubt in your eyes

So I asked you again

" Do you love me?"

And again you said, " Of course."

But I knew the truth

You don't love me

At least you don't know if you do

So wrapped my arms around you

And hugged you tight

I kissed your forehead

Then with tears threatening to escape my eyes I whispered, " Goodbye."

You didn't run after me

That was my final answer

You just stood there

With a tear making it's way down your cheek

Because you knew that you didn't

And you knew that I knew the truth


I wrote this after being inspired by a quote I read on Pinterest. I'm not exactly sure how it went but it went something like " Indecision is an answer." After I read that I realized how true it was. If someone isn't absolutely certain they want to be with you then they already made their choice. Don't waste your time on people that aren't serious about what they want.
Love, Lily

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