Ready. Aim. Misfire.

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A/N: the storyline from this point onward splits between several of the characters/relationships. I've always wanted to write from several different perspectives during the same story, so here goes.

***TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter features scenes of sexual violence and improper behavior. As always, readers' discretion is advised.***

The restaurant was dimly lit. Brendon's mother kept reaching over and rubbing her son's protruding belly.
"Charlie, didn't you say your sister was meeting us here with Spencer?" Dallon asked, his eyes skimming the room. He spotted Spencer seated at a table in the far corner of the restaurant with his back to them. "Oh, I found Spencer!" Dallon began weaving through the tables. Spencer was sitting with his head back and his eyes closed, one hand reaching under the tablecloth. Glory Way was nowhere in sight.
"...hey, Spencer," Charlie said, put off by her sister's absence. Brendon sat as far as he could from Spencer, glad that the tables were so big and high up. Spencer gave them a half-hearted wave then gasped. "...oh, yeah..." he hissed. Charlie lifted the tablecloth and peered under it.
"Well, I found her," she said, shaking her head in disgust. Her sister had been on her knees between Spencer's legs. Spencer chuckled.
"That's good for now, candy. Your friends are here," he spat. The girl shakily crawled out from under the table, and her sister gasped, as did Brendon.
Glory Way was extremely skinny, the only fleshy parts of her being her tits and ass, which strained against the material of the too-tight, too-short dress she was wearing. She teetered unsteadily on six-inch plexiglass stilettos.
"I....may to the bathroom?" she whispered. Spencer nodded. "Don't be too long," he said, his tone devious. Glory whimpered and hobbled to the ladies' room. Charlie excused herself as well, deciding to confront her older sister in private. She opened the bathroom door and heard soft sobbing. She gently pushed open the door to the handicapped stall, and found Glory barefoot in the corner. Her shoes were set aside. Charlie locked the stall door behind her. Glory anxiously parted her long bleach-blonde hair out of her face so she could see.
"Why are you dressed like a prostitute?"Charlie hissed. Glory wiped her face and looked up at her sister with lifeless eyes.
"Spencer won't let me...wear anything else. He calls me his 'personal whore.' Treats me like it, too. Expects me to just lay back and let him do whatever he wants to me, no matter where we are or what time it is. I...I've given up trying to resist. If he wants me, he gets me..."
Charlie stared at her, horrified. "That...that's sick."
Glory nodded, getting to her feet and wincing. She stepped into the heels and sighed. "I...tried leaving him once before. He found me...raped me...beat me into submission. If I don't do whatever he wants, he'll hurt me again. He threw out all my clothes and replaced them with...well, you get the picture."
Charlie unlocked the stall door, and they walked back to the table. Spencer was in the middle of some apparently raunchy story, for Brendon looked like he was about to hit somebody, and his mother had excused herself from the table. Spencer caught sight of his girlfriend and grinned.
"There you are, sugar," he whispered. "I was...getting worried," he muttered darkly. The girl whimpered and took her seat next to him, her legs slightly parted. Spencer grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her closer to him.
Brendon had to look away as Spencer began kissing the side of the girl's neck. It was hard for Brendon to watch because, a long time ago, Glory had been his. "Could you please not? We're in a public place," he whispered. Spencer rolled his eyes and straightened up, a hand up the girl's dress and messing with her between her legs. She looked catatonic, her eyes glassy.
Ms Urie took her seat at the table, her eyes wide in shock. "Hey, Glory..."
"Hey, Ms. Urie," the girl mumbled, still in a trance.
"Well, don't you look..." Brendon's mother couldn't find a polite way of putting it, so she just stopped talking.
"Um, Glory, we were about to order. What do you want?" Brendon asked, straining to control his temper.
"I'll just have a salad."
Spencer whispered furiously in her ear, and the blood drained from her face. She got to her feet and walked out of the restaurant. "I'll have the chicken parmesan. We'll be back," Spencer said with a devilish grin as he got to his feet then walked out.
Ms. Urie glanced over at Charlie, who looked like she was doing her best not to cry.
"What the hell happened to your sister?" Dallon whispered.

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