Chapter 1

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"I still can't believe you're leaving me" Becky, my best friend, pouted.

"Trust me if I had my choice I wouldn't be leaving at all!" I exclaimed, flopping back in my bed. "I mean how can my parents expect me to leave my life, my friends and boyfriend all behind to follow them off to some microscopic town in England?!"

"How is Kyle taking all if this?" She asked.

"Honestly I don't know. I wanted to try and make a long distance relationship work, but we just started dating a few months ago. And with me being gone for the foreseeable future he suggested that we break it off and stay friends." I said as I threw an arm over my eyes. This was just great! How could they expect me to leave everything thing behind two weeks before my 17th birthday and the start of my senior year? I mean I guess they were nice enough to let me stay out the rest of the summer with Nana and Papa before heading off to live with them. But the summer flew by so fast and I'm just not ready!

"It'll be ok Hayls, really I'm sure you'll find some super hunk of a guy with one of those sexy accents" Becky giggled wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"I don't want some other guy, I wanted Kyle! I've had a crush on him for forever and as soon as we finally get together I have to leave!"

"Well at least you still have me" she smiled hopefully.

"I don't think I would survive if I had to loose you too" I wrapped her in a big hug.

"Look we can text every day and skype on the weekends, it'll be just like you are here. And my parents already ok'd me to come visit on fall break"

"But that is forever from now!" I whined as I fell back on the bed again

"It's only four months, and I'm sure it will fly right by" she said trying to hide the sadness in her voice

"I sure hope so" I looked over lovingly at her. I had been friends with Becky since we were in diapers, I just couldn't find a better friend than her.

"Hayls , sweetie, you need to get to bed soon your flight leaves early in the morning" Nana shouted up the stairs.

"Ok Nana" I shout back down.

"I should go, but text me as soon as you land and Skype whenever possible" she said as she wrapped me in a bear hug " I love you girlie and I'm going to miss you to pieces"

"I love you too Becky, God this is going to be so hard" I gave her one more tight squeeze. And with a wave and a teary smile she was off back to her house, and I was getting ready to face what is shaping up to be the worst day of my life.


"And this is your room love" Mom says as she opens the door in front of me. "We figured the one with the view would be better, maybe remind you a little more of home. There is another room down the hall, but it faces the neighbors wall and is smaller" she finished ringing her hands.

"This is fine mom" I said with a fake smile. I mean the room was smaller than my one at home, but it has a decent sized closet and I had my own bathroom.

"I know this is hard honey, but we're trying to make the best of it" I could hear the sadness in her voice. I guess I forget sometimes that I'm not the only one who gave up her life. My mom had a great career as clothing store owner, she had amazing clients and friends.

I run over and hug her tight. "It'll be ok mom" I say as I step away slightly.

She sadly chuckles "I'm the one who is supposed to be saying that to you. Gosh when did you grow up so fast?"

"Oh you know over the past sixteen years" I say giving her a smirk hoping to bring a smile to her face too.

"Yeah I guess so" she brings me in for one more hug. "Well I'll leave you to unpack some of your stuff, I should have dinner ready in an hour and your dad should be home then too"

"Ok I'll be down soon. Oh and mom" I say stopping her as she is leaving my room, "I love you"

"I love you too, honey" she beams. I hear her humming a tune as she heads back down into the kitchen.

I try to unpack some of my things to make it feel a little more like home. The first thing I do is walk over to my desk and set up my laptop and put my favorite picture of me and Becky up.

I sent her a text when I landed, but haven't gotten a response yet, I think the time difference might be the culprit for that.

Once I get my desk set up I head to the bathroom to get that arranged. Then I walk over to the other bedroom on this floor. My parents room and all the living space is down stairs, so I pretty much have the upstairs to myself. I go to look out the window and sure enough it faces the neighbor's side of their house. Just as I'm about to walk away I notice part of the view is of their back yard. They have a small pool that someone is swimming laps in, and from what I can see of his body he doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, that boy is all muscle and it is gorgeous. He, in what seems like slow motion, gets out of the pool and I try to keep myself from drooling, he has to be the most perfect thing I have ever seen.

Wait! What am I talking about?! I just somewhat broke up with Kyle and here I am scouting out my neighbor. Annoyed with myself I turn to leave back to my bedroom again.

One more peek couldn't hurt though , I glance back out the window and he appears to be talking to someone in my direction. I can't quite see the color of his eyes, be he flashes them an award winning smile and I melt.


"Ah! What?"

"Honey I have been calling your name for like five minutes. You didn't hear me?" Mom says coming into the room slightly worried.

"I'm sorry mom, I was just wrapped up in my own thoughts"

"You sure you're ok sweetie? You look a little flushed. I hope you're not getting a cold" she asks coming to feel my forehead.

"Oh! Umm I'm fine mom, it's probably just my body try to get used to the weather out here" smooth save Hayls, smooth save.

"Uh huh, well anyway come on down dinner is ready. And you're dad can't wait to see you. I can't believe we let you stay all summer away from us" she trailed off heading back down the stairs.

I whip around hoping to get another glimpse at Mr. Gorgeous, but it appears as though he has gone inside. I try to tell myself that it's for the best as I head down to eat with my family.

England sure is off to an interesting start.

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