chapter 1

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Jazmine's POV

i look across the feild and see the oak tree, i turn around dissapointed and start walking away but someone is calling my name. quickly turning around i start running across the road twords the person who looks like a boy its hard to see him, he seems so far away. keeping my eyes locked on the unknown boy i hear a loud noise becoming louder, i stop dead in my tracks then everything went black. i wake up sweaty and painting. why do i always have this dream, its always the same exept each time the boy becomes more detailed and clearer. i've been having this dream ever since i woke up in that hospital with all these strangeres crowded around me and that was 1 month ago. i havent gone to school or even left the house since then. 

i look over at my clock 4:23 it says, well theres no point going back to sleep i'll just wake up again. This is hopeless i have no idea what to do, i could go on my phone oh thats right my mum took that away from me to laptop no its gone aswell basically no way social life just me and my mum how amazing my life is, dont get me wrong i love my mum but every since i woke up in hospital i couldnt remember anything about her no memories no nothing about anyone. hmmm i wonder if i ever kept a journal. if i did where would i hid it, come on i do this everyday ive looked for something from my past but nothing. im so sick of it i wish i could remember it driving me insane expecially these dreams like is it just my imagination or are they real, a memory from my past. i want to figure it out i mean if it werent for these dreams i would move on with my life, thats what i want to do, thats what i should do maybe i should, i'll just forget about these dreams and move on with my life thats what im gonna do starting right now

i get out of bed and get dressed and put makeup on so i dont look like a zombie im wearing a black leather skater skirt with a green cropped top, my green vans and a gray oversized jacket because it gets really cold early in the morning but when the sun rises in australia its really hot. i open up my window and feel a cold breeze against my warm skin. to my luck there is a tree right next to my window, i climb down and when my feet hit the ground i instantly fall.


" oh my gosh what are you doing here someone will see you " 

" i know but i had to see you, i have something to show you its a surprize "

" you know i hate surprizes "

"you'll love this one i promiss now just climb down ok "

" are you sure this is safe, i might fall " 

" i'll always be here to catch you when you fall "

~ End of FlashBack~

i stand up again and brush all the dirt of me, that memory i just had was me talking to someone but who, his face was like blury like the boy in my dream. who is this boy did he mean something to me, why cant i remember him. 

i know its sucks but this is my first fanfic i've written so bare with me! i hope you like it ~Chloe 

Remember ~Jai Waetford FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora