chapter 2

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She is Numb down to the core
Cause love doesn't live in her heart anymore
And she fought hard but lost the war
Without love, what is she living for?

And she  knows is that you can't take back, all the things are dead
But if she had one wish, she would wish for one more chance

Somewhere fear took all control
That's when she turned cold
Won't you give her one more chance?

she's a lost river that'll never reach the sea
When you're not here with her, when love's gone
She's sick to my bones, she doesn't feel natural
Without you she's not whole, when love's gone



A soft beat emitted from the girls chest as she laid in a coffin. The warmth welcomed her cold, tired body. She kept her eyes closed as she heard the lid of her coffin open. She paid no mind to the laughter of joy she heard.

"Come now pretty...wake up."

Someone told her, she forced her eyes to open, just enough to make out a blurry figure with long silver hair. He reached out and touched her dead cold skin. Her eyes began to focus enough for her to see that man In front of her. The man stared into her Blue eyes even though she did not know it...she could of sworn she was dead. She saw two doors one flooded with pure light and the other flooded with crimson fire, she was two people one dressed in white, the other dressed in black, but before she decided she was cast back down to earth, her head pounded she couldn't remember a thing, not even who she was, or where she came from. She sat up a pain shooting through her body, but she ignored it.

"Where am I?"

A soft voice emitted from her delicate lips,her bangs shadowing her eyes.

"You're in my shop dearie..."

The man told her, picked her up and out of the coffin bridal style.

"Can I have your name pretty?"

The girl was silent for a while trying to remember her name but nothing came up.

"I can't remember my name."

She looked up at the man seeing him frown.

The man thought for a minute while setting her down her down a blue coffin, decorated with gold flowers, the coffin was bigger than her so it wouldn't effect her sleeping.

"How about Willamina T. Rivers?"

/Admin: get it? Thames river... T. Rivers. T stands for Thames!/

She thought about the name...

"I like it..."

The man smiled and picked up the girl's frail body and carried her to the back.

"Alright pretty...let's get you cleaned up. While you wash up I'll get you some food and clothes, your as skinny as a skeleton my pretty!"

He took her into a grand bathroom and ran her a warm bubble bath. He took a off her bloody white dress and sat her in the tub.

"Stay here. I'll go get you some clothes."

He left the girl in the bathroom and went to a trunk filled with life sized doll clothes. He pulled out a black dress with a teal blue sash, some underwear, black thigh high stockings, and a veil to hide her eyes. he walked back to the bathroom and set the clothes on the counter.

"I'll be back soon, I would give you my biscuits but, you'll need more than that. If you get tired you can go back to your coffin and take a nap."

The girl simply nodded as the undertaker left. He grabbed a few jewels and his overcoat. He put on his coat and left the shop. He walked to the market and bought some cookies and cakes for her. He quickly purchased the goods and made his way back to the shop.  He set the sweets on the coffin and went to the bathroom, the  girl was still sitting their. He grabbed some blueberry scented shampoo from the cabinets and proceeded to wash her hair. He grabbed a bucket filled with warm water and poured it over her head, she didn't seemed phased by it as all. He drained the tub and picked up the girl. He dressed her, and began to work on her hair and makeup. He sat her in a chair and worked on her makeup, applying very little blush to her cheeks, and a little bit of lipstick. Her wrapped her hair in a towel till it was damp. He took the towel away and draped it over her shoulders. He took a brush and brushed some of her hair into a loose bun, letting the rest topple down her back. He grabbed the black veil and placed it on her head, the thick lace fabric covering her eyes.

"You look like a bride for the dead my pretty~"

He picked her up and brought her to the main room. He set her down on a coffin and gave her some cookies.

"Now you eat those and I'll go prepare you a room. I won't be long  now, feel free to read some books from the shelf~"

She nodded, the girl was practically mute. She joyfully ate her cookies while reading a book she had gotten.
Undertaker choose a spare room he had upstairs to give to the girl. He swept the dusty floors and and dusted the cobwebs from the ceiling, he then polished the floor till it shined. He needed paint, and a few other things for her room. He went back downstairs only to see that Willamina was asleep. He picked her up and put her in her coffin leaving the lid off. He grabbed many more rubies and diamonds, leaving the Sapphire's alone.  He Then left the shop and bought the things he needed like blue, gold, and black paint, a few sea trinkets, curtains, a carpet, a new bookshelf, a lot of pillows, fantasy/ adventure books, blue bed drapes, a few new candles. He made his way back to his shop. He quietly snuck back into the shop and up to her room, and quickly began to repaint and decorate which didn't take long. He had to move her coffin up here, so he went back downstairs only to see Willamina staring out the window.


She turned her head towards me.

"Are you interested in what's outside?"

She nodded and spoke.

"There's a boy with blue hair outside, along with an man in Black."

I'm sorry, I'll try to update sooner if writers block doesn't come back and hit me in the face

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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