Sonadow Maid

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Sonic and Shadow were racing, as usual , but this time both of them had a deal . When Sonic wins , Shadow have to promise that Shadow will have to spend time with him whenever he wants and if Shadow wins Sonic will have to be his maid for a whole year.

                                                                     2 HOURS LATER ... 

Sonic : " AW C'MON ! YOU CHEATED ! "

Shadow : " No I didn't , I won fair and square . You just can't accept it . "

Sonic : " .... * sigh * whatever .... "

                                                           AT SHADOW'S HOUSE ...

                                                              ( IN HIS BEDROOM )

Shadow : " Now .... I want you to where this. "

Sonic : " .... No "

Shadow : " Yes .... And remember .. I won~ "

Sonic : " HUMPH ! "

Shadow : " ... Please~? "

Sonic  : " ......... *sigh* "

Sonic took the uniform and went to the bathroom .

        After a while , Shadow was sitting on his bed , waiting for Sonic to come out . Sonic oped the door a little bit and asked :

Sonic : " Shadow ? ... Do really have to wear this ? "

Shadow : " *looks at Sonic* Ofcourse~ *smirk* " 

Sonic : " *gets out * O/////O Okay ... "

Shadow " Would like to sit by my side ... sweetheart ? *smirk* "

Sonic : " *smirk* Sure~ " 

       They both giggled and chatted a little bit . And then realized it was dinner time . 

Shadow : " Hmm ? Wow, looks like it's dinner time "

Sonic : " What do you want me to cook for you ... Master~ *smirk* "

Shadow : " *smirk* How about ..... "


What do you think Shadow wanted to eat ? Find out ! on the next chapter ! I do not own the Sonic characters they belong to SEGA .


I'm new here actually so go easy on the comments ... please . 

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