"Here. Why don't we go and get a quick snack from the kitchen? My mum used to do that me when I was a young lad. She always said 'A little snack never hurt anyone'. And she would feed me when I had nightmares," he explains, a large smile sketched on his beautiful lips. He shows off his breathtaking dimples, which resemble 2 holes in the ground.

We get up, and walk hand-in-hand to the kitchen, where he turns on the lights.

He sits me down on one of the chairs, and puts some water to boil.

"I'm gonna make some tea, okay?" he tells me.

I nod, and get up and sit on the counter right next to him.

I watch him stare at the water.

"What're you thinking about silly?" I tease.

He looks up at me, and I just look at his face, observing his beauty.

"Why are you looking at me? Weirdo," he jokes, not even bothering to look up.

I pupil him towards me, and press my lips on his.

"Mmmm..." he hums, his arms wrapping around my waist. I entangle my legs around his torso, and slide my fingers into his hair.

There we are, just kissing.

He pulls away, and kisses my nose. I giggle, and kiss his cheek.

We stare into each other's eyes, just enjoying this romantic moment.

But of course, it had to be ruined.

"Crap! The water is boiling!" he shrieks, and moves the pot.

He grabs two teacups, and pours the water into them.

He grabs the teabags and puts them inside the cups.

Once he's done, he walks back to me, and winks.

I smile, and look down. I jump off the counter, and hug Harry.

"Your hugs are the best," I mumble in his chest.

"I love you," Harry suddenly states.

I stand right there, not knowing what to say or do.

Those three words had always been difficult for me to say.

Not physically...it's not like I had some sort of lisp or problem that made it impossible to say those words back.

It was emotionally impossible to repeat those words.

Many people say that sentence without even meaning it. A lit of people confuse love with lust, and those two words weren't similar in any matters.

When you love someone, it's nearly impossible to live without them, and even getting over them is hard. You are willing to spend the rest of your life with them.

Now lust, my friends, is the need to be with someone...in bed. You have this uncontrollable desire to "roll in the darkness", and to touch them where their heart aches.

(A/N: *wink* TEMPORARY FIX [1D] *wink*)

I can feel Harry expecting me to say something-anything.

I have the sudden urge to scream out, "NO! JIMMY PROTESTED!" or to just make a joke out of what he just said, but he's very serious.

"Courtney, I'm sorry to have made you feel uncomfortable. I-" Harry begins to apologize, but I cut him off by taking hold of his head, and slamming my lips onto his.

I break the kiss, and whisper, "I love you too."

Harry gives me the cutest smile, and lets out the most childish giggle I've ever heard. It resembles the type of giggle a toddler might release if his mother were to purchase a huge lollipop for him.

Harry takes hold of my waist, and swings me around in the air.

"Let's drink our tea so we can go rest, okay?" he suggests.

I nod, and he gives me one of the teacups.

We sit down in the living room, and Harry turns on the TV.

"Beauty and the Beast" immediately appears once the TV turns on.

Harry doesn't even bother changing the channel; he decides to let me enjoy this movie.

Once the movie ends, we cuddle in the sofa, covering ourselves with a long, fluffy blanket, and fall asleep, leaving the TV running.

I hoped that things wouldn't worsen.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Oh my...

This book is almost reaching the end.

I love writing books so much!

Don't forget to vote, AMD leave a comment here and there.

Really...I do appreciate you guys reading my books.

Okay...how does everyone feel about Harry participating in the filming of the movie "Dunkirk"?

I won't tell my parents that Harry will be in it, so they'll watch it. Plus, my dad loves movies about the war, so he'll probably end up "forcing" me to watch it.

SQUEE! I'm so excited to see Hazz in the movie.

My baby has grown up. *starts tearing up*

Phht...me? I'm not crying at all. I'm...sweating! From my eyes, of course. It's totally possible.

Okay...I've got to go...I've got some 1D stalking to do.


But have you seen the pics the boys have posted.


I'm dying, guys.


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