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What was Akaashi thinking, those moments when he talked to Bokuto... Was he thinking of Reiji?

His heart, and memory, are quick to answer him.


What he was thinking about, when with Bokuto, was nothing related to Reiji...

Bokuto is strange...

Bokuto is loud...

Bokuto is nice.

I want to be his friend. Despite the fact that it is dangerous for me to interact with him, I want to spend more time with him... I want to know as much about him as possible... I want to know his likes and dislikes... His hopes and fears... His strengths and his weaknesses...

Upon opening his eyes, Akaashi decides to open the book... Decides to look through it before trying to find Bokuto. Before trying to get Bokuto to listen to him...

He doesn't regret his decision.

In the book, there are many beautiful pictures... Pictures of warm sunrises and mesmerizing sunsets... Pictures of rushing water, water moving so fast that it looks like a beast..

Pictures of forests...

Pictures of flowers...

Pictures of animals...

And pictures of Bokuto, himself.

Pictures of Bokuto looking, happy and at peace while sitting on a boulder...

While laying in tall grass...

While dangling his feet in a pool of water...

The pictures of Bokuto are his favorite. With a small sigh, he closes the book. Once the book is closed, he begins running down the mountain... Running towards Bokuto. He wasn't walking very fast, so there is a chance that Akaashi will be able to catch up to him... For him to be able to try, once again, to tell Bokuto that it wasn't him that said such cruel things... Things that made Bokuto cry, and left him with red, puffy eyes.

Akaashi runs as fast as he can... Not caring that, with almost every step, he almost trips...

Not caring that with every step, his sandals rub against his feet, and create angry, red blisters.

"BOKUTO-SAN! PLEASE WAIT, BOKUTO-SAN," Akaashi shouts, upon spotting a familiar head of wild hair. "PLEASE! JUST LISTEN ME FOR A FEW MINUTES! PLEASE!" Much to his surprise, Bokuto immediately turns around... Immediately turns around and gazes at him with wide eyes. "Like I tried to explain to you earlier, I wasn't the one that said those awful things! It was Shiro!" Desperate to get closer to Bokuto before he starts walking again, Akaashi runs even faster... Faster than he has ever run before.

Due to his fast speed, Akaashi ends up tripping on something small... He ends up tripping over a rock. Even though he is falling, he doesn't look at the ground. Instead, he looks at Bokuto. Bokuto who is now running towards him... Who is running towards him with tears in his eyes. "AKAASHI! I'm sorry for not properly listening to you, earlier! AKAASHI!"

Out of concern for his friend, Bokuto reaches out... He reaches for Akaashi, in order to prevent him from falling further.. From falling and landing, face first, onto the ground.

He realizes, too late, his mistake.

He realizes, too late, that one of his hands brushes across Akaashi's...

Skin on skin contact.

Skin on skin contact that makes Akaashi's hand morph into colorful shards... Colorful shards that fly up into the sky.

Now Akaashi is leaning on Bokuto...

Now Akaashi is hugging Bokuto...

Now Akaashi is hugging Bokuto, and holding Bokuto's book in his right hand... The only hand he has left.

"We should make the best of this moment, don't you think?" Akaashi asks, with a sad smile, as Bokuto cries... As Bokuto cries on his left shoulder, staining his yukata with his tears.

/This IS NOT the last chapter :)/ 

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