Chapter 3

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Alyssa's POV

Anytime my brothers and sisters and I would gather around the fire in the den at our house we would be looking at my mother and father sitting in a chair staring down at us. (This was some years ago, back when I was eleven or twelve) They would tell us stories of their lives, Mom never did much of the talking, she only corrected Daddy when he had something wrong.

It was always Paris who asked about their relationship, and at on point, when she was about nine years old she asked." What words to you have to describe momma?"

Neither one us had the guts to ask him that question but I guess curiosity got the best of her. I remember the expression I had given her that day, like, ' What the hell kind of question is that?' I looked at my father who had a smile on his face. A smile that usually came along when someone asked about my mother.

He looked down at her."Well, Paris," he turned his attention to Mom who was playing with the ends of her extremely long hair. "the words I use to describe her is: beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, and very...uncooperative."

Mom's head came up as soon as he said that and she had that usual look on her face: her eyebrow raised extremely high and her lips in smirk. "Uncooperative?" she asked.

Daddy was smiling sheepishly at her." Yes you are very uncooperative."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head." Whatever Michael."

At that point in my life I didn't see how my mother could be uncooperative, but as I got older I understood it. Anytime my and Daddy would be arguing I would always hear him ask her why she was so uncooperative. She would always say that she wasn't being uncooperative.

She was definitely uncooperative. And I think she knew it herself, she just didn't want to admit it. My mother and I had a complicated relationship and I never thought that my wrong doings and the complications of our mother and daughter relationship would be the death of her.

But it did.

As I sat in the bed staring out the window I could hear our arguments replay in my head. It was like a rerun of an old television series. The reruns of my while life. I can hear her voice inside my head. Times where she told me she loved me. Times when she would hug me and kiss me on my forehead. Apart from all the arguments there was still a love there. A love that would never be broken.

I was confused by mother, wondering why she was so hard on me. Why she was so strict. I couldn't have the same relationship with her as I did with my father. It was impossible to even try. I knew my father loved my mother. He was crazy about her. I could tell anytime he would hug her or when he would talk to her on the phone when she was on business trips. I remember one conversation that they had in particular.

He was sitting in his usual spot, in the chair by the fire place. The house phone was tucked under his neck. "....make it there safe?" That was a question he usually asked first." did...okay good." He took the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker.

"....too much." My mothers voice came out of the phone as if she was there in the room.

"What, you can worry about me like crazy, but I can't worry about you?"

"That's not what I'm saying. "She sounded as if she was laughing. " You just get so jumpy anytime my name and plane is within the same sentence. You know that accident happened years ago. "

"I know, I just love you too much. If anything happened-"

" You shouldn't talk like that, baby." She said. "I'm fine."

"You always say that. How's your blood pressure?"

"Can we have one conversation without you bring up the subject of my blood pressure?" She sounded frustrated, all the humor in her voice was gone." Please."

"Yes, but I know how you are when you're dealing with those people in the company. The doctor said that the next time your blood pressure gets too high you might have to be hospitalized and I know you hate that. "

"You're right I do, and I will keep that in mind, but seriously Michael, is it really a necessary topic to talk about?"

"Not everyday, no." he admitted." But we still should keep it in mind. "

"Whatever. How are the kids?"

"They're fine."

"Are you making sure Sky gets her medication?"


"Did you tell her dance teacher to let her ease up on her practices?"



"You're doing it again." He said.


"Worrying to much, I had all that taken care of this morning, I promise you."

She sighed. "Okay, I suppose you're right."

A grin showed up on my father's face." I miss you, Liyah. "

" I miss you too, baby." I was always thought it was weird when my mom called my dad Baby. Just as much as I hated it when he would call her sexy right in from of my brothers and sisters and I. I just thought it was so weird.

"When are you coming home, exactly?"

"In about three more days."

Daddy let out a sigh. " I don't think I can wait that long."

"Just keep me in your heart, I'll be there in no time."

"You will call me as soon as you get off that plane?"

"I always do."

"Yes, you do." I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was really missing her to. major level.

"I have to go, its getting late."

"I was just about to say that."

"I love you."

"Love you more."

"Love you most." she said then hung up the phone.

I walked into the room then and climbed in the chair."Was that mom?" I asked as if I didn't know.

He nodded." Yes."

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath."Why is mom so hard on me, why can't she be more like you?"

He chuckled and bit his lip."Well, for you one thing, your mother and I look at things differently from each other. She expects certain things to be followed and to be done at a certain extinct. I just like to have fun. Secondly, you are so much like your mother in so many ways that its almost ridiculous. Its like time is repeating itself. She fears that you will make the same mistakes she did when she was younger. She just doesn't want you to suffer."

"What mistakes did she make?"

His eyebrows farrowed." I don't think I'm obligated to tell you that. You have to realize that Liyah was raised by Susanne most of her life. Her mother had died when she was only six. So the fact that Susanne had to take her in at such a young age she didn't know Mich about raising a child herself. Liyah doesn't have the experience and she's only going by what her instincts are telling her."

"Experience in what?"

"Having a mother in her life."He replied." You consider yourself lucky though, it could be worst."

"How could it be worst?"

"She could not care about you or your brothers and sisters at all." He answered. His voice almost dark, as if he meant to scare me." Your mother maybe really uncooperative but she means well." He stood up. "Come on, its time to go to sleep."

As soon as he said that sleep fell down on me and my eyes grew heavier." Daddy?"

"Yes, Lyssa?"

"How much do you love mom?"

He sighed."More than anything."

"Can you live with her?"

It was silent for a moment. The only sound was our foot steps as the collided into the floor, then he said in a soft whisper." No."

I Miss You ( Follow Up to Passion in For All Time Series)Where stories live. Discover now