you get your period for the first time after you move in together #7

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Louis: it had been two weeks since you and Louis moved in together you knew your period was around the corner but thought you could hold off on going to buy your tampons til tomorrow you and Louis were asleep in bed til he noticed the blood stain on the sheets babe he whispered shaking you awake hmm you ask is it your time of the month he asks pointing to the blood stain shit Lou I'm sorry I should've been more prepared you ranted sh he said placing his finger to your lips what brand do you use he asked getting up and slipping his shoes and coat on you told him but babe you don't have to I can go you said you stay here change the sheets then when I get back I'll make us some tea yeah he asked as he grabbed his keys phone and wallet ok you said smoking after you changed the sheets Louis returned and you went into the bathroom where you took care of your self after that you and Lou cuddled up in bed and watched TV while drinking your tea he took care of you the entire week

zayn: it was a week after you moved in and you were getting really bad cramps you'd been curled up on the couch all day while zayn was at the studio he returned home at five and saw you curled up babe what's wrong he asked walking over to you stomach you groaned mother nature he asked you nodded I'll be right back he said kissing your cheek twenty minutes later zayn returned with a tub of your favorite ice cream a heating pad and chick flicks along with a blanket and some tampons aw zayn your the best boyfriend a girl could ask for you said as he sat next to you he cuddled you the entire week and only left to use the bathroom and get more food

liam: it was three weeks after you moved in together and you'd just gotten back from buying your supplies you put them under the sink after taking care of your self and went to the bedroom to lay down
and ended up falling asleep liam woke you up a few hours later when he got home come on love the boys want to go out let's go he said no liam I don't feel good you go you said babe what's wrong he asks mother nature you say oh he says yeah you reply I'll be back he says kissing your temple you nod and fall asleep again when liam returns he has bags full of chocolates and chick flicks aw liam c'mere you said opening your arms he laid next to you and rubbed circles into your stomach to sooth the pain (lol sorry I had to) he was by your side the entire time

niall: you'd gotten your period and it was heavy this week you'd asked niall to go get you pads and tampons he obliged and you described the packages to him you were laying on the couch ten minutes after he left you got a call from him so um do you want the ones with wings or the pantie linear ones he asked nervously you told him which ones and when he returned he handed you you're supplies and some chick flicks along with Chinese food he cuddled you til you fell asleep and he carried you to bed the rest of the week his full attention was on you

harry: it had been two and a half weeks since you and Harry had moved in today you started your period and Harry somehow knew he went out and bought your brand of pads and tampons he made you breakfast in bed and plugged in a heating pad next to your bed he got you tea and drew you a bubble bath he cuddled you and watched chick flicks with you while feeding you ice cream

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