you go public with your relationship#4

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Louis: you didn't have to tell anyone about your relationship because when you and Louis went out for ice cream one day some fans spotted you and took pictures Louis later confirmed it with a tweet because you two were trending on twitter most of the fans liked you but you still got some hate

zayn: you and zayn had to come out with your relationship or management was gonna make him get a fake girlfriend he took you to the mall since you needed a dress for your friends wedding you both were walking hand in hand with zayn carrying your dress bag every so often he'd kiss you and some nearby fans would take a picture later when you got home you checked twitter and saw tons of hate but the nice ones made you forget about the hate

liam: being that he had been with Danielle and Sophia you were a little cautious with taking it public but after liam assured you multiple times that he'd protect you from the hate you agreed to take it public liam confirmed your relationship at the next interview the fans were skeptical at first but warmed up to you once they realized how happy you made him

niall: being that niall was so innocent and hadn't had a girlfriend in a long time the fans hated when he tweeted a picture of you two cuddling saying meet my new girlfriend the fans found your twitter and. started sending you hate but after many of Niall's twitcams tweets and interviews with him pleading for people to stop sending you hate it decreased dramatically and that made you both happy

harry: the fans hated it wanting harry all to themselves but after he tweeted for the hate to stop they slowed down with all the hate you still got it but harry distracted you from it as much as he could and for that you felt lucky to have him in your life

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