“French I never told him I was a virgin we just didn’t do it. And stop yelling you scared the baby.”

“ What drug are you on Lauren?   You haven’t slept together since you meet and he’s ok with that ..You know either he has someone else or he’s gay.”

“We’ll I don’t know about the cheating that could be true but ..I know he’s not gay we’ve done some things just not that. The thing is French… He asked me to marry him.”

“OHMYGOD!  Lauren what the hell are you doing?…I ‘m here playing matchmaker with you and Rob and you freaking  doing a Kristen Stewart.”

“I’m not trying to hurt anyone French. I just can’t ignore what I feel for Rob..and I have feelings for Liam too.. Why can’t I have the best of both worlds?  Guys do it all the time.”

“Because if it backfires on you …You’ll lose Robert Lauren and Liam and they both hate you.“

“I’m not going to lose Robert, I’ve never had him to start with.”

“Than before you do this deflowering thing with Rob I suggest you come clean with this.”

“No I can’t it will ruin everything.”

“So your saying that if you telling Robert the truth  it will alter the outcome.”

“Yes it might.”

“Damn it Lauren I wish you hadn’t told me.”

“You’re my best friend, who else would I tell?”

“AHHH.  Robert..he’s your friend too.”


“No Lauren we’ve all been friends for so long. I love Rob like a brother…and you and him are the kids godparents. Tell him I think he will still boink your ass. “

“Francesca I hate when you act like Jimmy the Cricket…I don’t want my conscious to be my guide…I want to have fun.”

“Well Lauren Rizzoli have fun but come clean..because I have a feeling once you and Rob go down this road..It’s know turning back. And that’s coming from an reliable source.”

“Please don’t tell me about that crazy fish thing Francesca…I will not let my life be dictated by a  figment of your imagination named Albert.”

“Albert is not a figment of my imagination. He’s my psychic advisor.”

“Your obviously sleep deprived if he’s your psychic advisor now.”

“Don’t make fun of it Lauren you know that the women in my family get their fish after the give birth  to their first child in my cast my four darlings.”

“Yeah I know..French it’s just a little unnerving having you talk like your mother about the fish.”

“Whatever Lauren you just make sure to handle this with Rob.”

“I will..I tell him ..”

They talked a little longer about the kids before the hung up.


“What’s going on with Lauren and Rob?” Francesca looked around to see Angelo standing behind her with a very awake Angelica smiling all wide eyed in her daddy’s arms.

“Oh nothing their just trying to decided whether they should sleep together or not..”

“Who’s holding out?”


“Rob holding out on Lauren, I can’t believe that..The only way Rob would hold out was if she was a virgin or possible married and Lauren and neither one of them.” Angelo looked at his wife laughing and stopped. “Lauren got married?”

“No stupid..but that is a possibility..”

“Nooooo.” He laughed.  “Lauren Rizzoli a virgin..unfreaken believable. “ He laughed. “Wait how is it she is and you weren’t too.”

“You missed it by one boyfriend and a year…dude sorry.”

“Damn my luck.”


Finishing his three mile run Rob headed back to the villa. He still couldn’t believe Lauren was a virgin and wanted him to pop the cherry.  Making love to Lauren would most likely bring on a lot of complications with her parents and five brothers it was like walking into the fire willingly. If they did this it would be rules ..they would have to sign a contract …Yeah a list of rules…that they would have to follow to keep things from getting messy and complicated…Yeah …That would work..That way they both get what they wanted..he get to sleep with her with no strings attached and she gets her cheer popped…. Shit life was good.  Running up the beach he headed to the back of the villa to the pool pulling off his sneaks he walked over and dived in. Swimming under he came up for air to see that he was not alone. Juliana stood at the end of the pool in a red bikini her black  hair up in a messy ponytail .  He had to admit that she looked good but it didn’t move him the way Lauren did with one sexy look…odd.

“Roberto would you mind if I join you for a swim?”

“The pool is for everyone Juliana I don’t care if you get in or not. It’s a big pool”

He watched as she dove in swimming directly over to him coming up from the water she must have had water proff makeup on because the fake lashes the red lip stick everything was still intact like a magazine cover. “Roberto, will you ever forgive me?” Juliana looked at Robert afraid of his rejection if she reached out.

“There’s nothing to forgive.” He was going to swim away when she grabbed his hand. Than let go. The warning look made her back up.”Please Roberto I was foolish for getting involved with you when you were so young.. I had to leave my father needed me.”

“Juliana it doesn’t matter now.”

“Yes it does…I had to marry him..It was arranged.”

“You had choices, we could have run ..”

“You were sixteen..run where? You had a whole life to live and I was penniless. Where would we have gone …you were still a child.”

“A child who loved you..”

“I know and I’m sorry if I hurt you than but things are different for us now we could start over you could come with me to my home.”

He laughed ..”You right things are different now I’m older and wiser. I never go back.”

 He dived under and swam to the other side. Jumping out he grabbed his things not looking back..


Lauren sat on the bed pulling at the petals of two roses which represented her and Robert. No don’t tell him one petal hit the floor. Yes tell him another petal hit the floor. By the time she had finished pulling all the petals. She should tell him. The room door opened revealing a very sexy looking Rob all wet and sweaty in nothing but his running shorts. Her hormones were in overdrive . She had decided to eventually tell him just not today . It would be after the slept together. And they were going to she could tell by the crocket smile he had plastered across his face and the finger he was using to encourage her to come to him.  She did…”Yes I’ll be you first Lauren Rizzoli..” He sealed it with a kiss.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as you can tell Lauren is all that innocent , Rob isn't all that tuff and Juliana she's really not  all that bad. Please vote and comment..

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