Chapter 1

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One year previously..

“I'd like to thank you all for coming to our show! We are The Script from Dublin, Ireland. And we just want to say...”

“Daniel! What have I told you about climbing on the tables! Get down from there right away!”

“We just want to say how much your love and support has gotten us through the hardest of times, and that without you...”

“Daniel! Get down from there now! I won't ask you again!”

“Without you, I wouldn't be here. I would have given up on this rotten thing we call life and thrown myself into the sea. I don't see the point of living if it means not being able to see all of your amazing faces and know that you've got our backs. No matter what happens.”

Daniel O'Donoghue!

I sigh and jump off the table. Stupid bitch always has to go and ruin my fun...

Well, I guess you know who I am. Daniel O'Donoghue. Irish, born and raised. Lead singer of The Script. Blah, blah, blah. All that isn't really important any more though.

Why, I hear you ask with such eagerness. Well, let me tell you.

I was indeed the lead singer of The Script. Yeah, key word that. Was. That all went down the drain about a year ago. And no, before you ask, none of us lads fell out. I's complicated. But, I guess I have no one else to talk, so listen up.

You all know about the failed relationship I had with Irma, right? I mean, who doesn't? I couldn't get rid of the media during the whole thing! But what they don't know is the real reason that we split up. Everyone seems to think we just drifted apart naturally. But...that's not quite true.

The reason is because I was in love with someone else. Someone very close to me, but someone who could never know. And I couldn't stand putting her through any more of my lies. So I broke it off. Made up some excuse to the media and put on a big sad-faced act to throw them off my scent. And I guess it worked. She's now a lot happier, which I guess is a good thing.

Life went by and nothing else significant happened in my love life. I focused completely on the tour and the new album. Everything was good at that point. But that little niggling feeling kept cropping up every so often, stopping me dead in my tracks. And I was thrown into a whirlwind of depression, knowing that I couldn't ever actually tell this person the truth.

At first, the feeling was easy to get over. A few days of hard drinking and it would be gone. But soon enough, the vodka stopped working its magic. Days quickly turned into weeks, and then into months. Before long, I was never sober enough to do anything worthwhile.

Naturally this had its effect on the lads. They felt helpless. All their efforts to cheer me up were failing. The band was suffering; gigs being cancelled, fans getting royally pissed off at the continuous excuses. And I knew it was my fault. But I didn't care. Nothing could get me out of this darkness that had taken over me.

And then one day, through the haze of my intoxication, I saw him. Glen Power. He was stood over me, a worried look on his face. I could see his mouth moving but could hear nothing. Not one bit. I didn't even know where I was. All I knew was that he was here with me, and that I felt incredibly, incredibly sick. Just before I blacked out, I finally heard him say five little words: I won't let you die.

The next thing I remember is waking up here. In this...well I don't really like the proper term for it. I much rather call it 'a home for people who have lost their way', but it's actually a mental ward. Yeah. Danny O'Donoghue wound up in a mental ward. All for getting drunk, you ask? Well...not exactly.

I failed to tell you that my black out lasted longer than you may have thought. It lasted a week. That's right. A week. And in that week, I completely changed. I became someone that I never thought I had the ability to be.

I was cruel. I was sadistic. I completely lost my mind and hurt anyone that I could. Not physically, although I was pretty much on the brink of doing so. I made people scare me, and said things to them that no human being should ever say. What kind of person does that? Me. That's who. And the lads just couldn't cope any more, especially as they got the brunt of it all.

Naturally, The Script was terminated once I was admitted. I think they made up some crappy excuse for me, but I never really found out. But I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I essentially went bat-shit-crazy.

And I still have the potential to hurt people. I still want to. Very, very much. In fact, if you were actually here...

“You'd better keep your thoughts in check, Daniel. Your visitor's just arrived.”

Everything is forgotten and I feel the grin before I have a chance to think. It can be quite scary sometimes how quickly this feeling can disappear. The nurse laughs, obviously realising that I've changed back again and leads me to the visiting room.

I can hardly contain my excitement and push ahead of her. I hear her protest, but I don't give a shit. I barge through the doors and take in the sight in front of me. I could try and describe this feeling I'm having to you, but words honestly don't measure up to such an intense feeling of happiness.

He's here. Glen's here.


A/N - Hey guys! So this is the very first chapter. This is kinda one of those 'need to be in' chapters. Kinda setting the scene, backstory and all that. The rest of the story will be a lot more interesting I promise. But you know, Danny lost his mind. Can you even imagine it? Clearly I can, haha! Really hope you can go along with my twisted imagination! Let me know what you think guys! Vote, comment, share. Whatever you so wish. Much love! x

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