Chapter 1

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Have you ever had a moment when you just wanted to stop time. When the moment is so perfect that you don't want it to end.

My best friend and I were sitting in our favourite place in the entire world. The beach.

The ocean waves were crashing onto the sandy shore and the current was tugging them back in again. The palm trees were swaying gently in the warm breeze, the leaves swaying back and forward. The sun was resting upon the ocean, about to be swallowed by the horizon.

"I think when I'm older, I'm going to build a house right here so that I can watch this every evening."

I turned my head and looked at Daniel, "count me in."

"What? So you'll help me build the house?" Daniel raised his eyebrows. "I didn't take you for a builder Gabz."

"Nah. I'll wait untill you have built it and then move in." I smiled cheekily.

"Ohhh ok." Daniel laughed. "Who wants to help me buy the ingredients for the cake? Not me! Who wants to help me make the cake? Not me! Who wants to eat the cake? Me!"

I chuckled, he was such a weirdo. Not gonna lie, we were both pretty weird but that's why we were so close.

"So. A new beginning tomorrow then, huh?" He pointed out, pulling off his trainers and sinking his feet into the sand.

It was only less than a day before our potential new life began.

Only a day untill we started high school.

Who would have thought time would have passed so darn quick? I still felt like I was in middle school.

"Yup." I gulped and tucked a strand of my auburn hair behind my ear.

I felt a pair of warm, brown eyes staring at me. I turned my head slightly to see that Daniel was gently smiling at me.

"Nervous I see?" Daniel gave me a comforting grin and shuffled over to sit closer to me.

"I guess. Aren't you?" I mumbled.

I felt his arm around my shoulders and smelt his minty scent of aftershave. My heart fluttered slightly but I chose to ignore it and snuggled down against his chest.

"A bit but hey don't worry. I'm sure it will be just like middle school. We'll make new friends and have wicked parties. It'll be a blast." Daniel announced excitedly.

I giggled at his cute outburst. It did sound extremely thrilling. Selfish though it was, I didn't like the part when he said 'make new friends'.

Daniel had been my only friend since as long as I could remember. I couldn't bear the thought of someone taking him away from me. As dramatic as it sounded, that's how I felt.

He was the only person who made me so happy. He was the only person who was there when I was struggling with family problems and tough times. He made me feel complete in the most uncheesy way possible.

There had always been that one tiny part of me which had a small crush on him. I knew it could never work out though, it would ruin our friendship.

Although I felt that way, I didn't want things to change. At all.

"Earth to Gaby? Are you listening to me?" A voice broke into my daydream.

I broke out of my trance, startled.

"Wha?" I stammered.

"Your so annoying when you zone out. I was talking to you." Daniel chuckled.

"Sorry." I laughed. "I was having dinner with my alien friends."

"You'll be lucky if they don't eat you for dinner." He prodded me with his finger, earning a small chuckle from me.

We stared out into the ocean for countless minutes, watching the waves. A warm breeze swept my hair to the side of my shoulder. I laid my head back on Daniels shoulder.

It was so perfect. There and then. I wanted to freeze time. It was a place and time where I forgot about my worries. The worries which were consumed inside my head faded away... But one of my fears still demanded to be felt...

"Promise me something." I fiddled with the sleeves of my jumper.

"Anything for you Gabz." He rested his head gently upon my head.

"Promise me that we won't change." I whispered.

It was silent for a few moments and I waited anxiously for his response.

"I promise."


Yesssss, we have completed the first chapter..:)

I really hope that you liked it. I am actually so hyped for this story like YAS!

Let me know what you think of this chapter.. I rewrote this again because I didn't think that it was that great but I'm happy with it now :))

Thankyou for reading! Check out the next chapters.


(By the way, if you don't know how to say my name, its sounded 'neev' or 'neeve')

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