Part 6

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A/N: Okay, I am so sorry my updates are taking longer than usual!

1. I have been very busy with my school activities :(

2. I have been sick as well

So, here is another part to Forbidden Love! Also, everyone will begin to learn more about the reader further into the story!
"W-Wait, you know everything about me? (Y/N), how old are you?" A look of awe crosses Clary's face as well as admiration at everyone's abilities she has seen so far. With her mother being a shadowhunter, and now herself, maybe she can join the line of work, becoming an even greater one.

She really needed to show Simon everything. Well, that is, if everyone would let her since her best friend is a mundane.

Patting the young adult's head, (Y/N) smiles, "All in good time. You look worried, so I'm guessing you want to go find your mundane friend, Simon? If so, go out there to see if Jace can help you. I have some duties of my own I need to accomplish right now. It is very nice meeting you, by the way." With that, she watches Clary stumble her way to where Jace and the others are.

A look of seriousness changes the happy facial expressions from a moment ago. 'It really is coming to that time again. I haven't even told Raphael, although this will have an even bigger impact on the Institute, especially with my Instruments. This is becoming really bad very fast...'

Walking out of the infirmary room, she makes her way to the training area where Hodge is hunched over in pain, most likely from the rune on the left side of his neck burning because of the Clave.

Giving herself a facepalm, she takes off her (f/c) jacket, and walks over to him, starting to draw another healing rune on his back. "They must've been really interrogating you to make the mark burn this much. You know, the Clave is going to start checking up on us once they find out," she attempts to joke with him.

A pain filled laugh escapes the blonde shadowhunter as he sits down between her legs to rest for a little while, "Heh, well I pretty much expected this since they never really trusted us in the first place. You need to keep yourself away though. You'll scare them with your ghostly presence."

The both of them laugh at his ghost joke. In her mind, she knows he is right because, if the Clave see her, she will be in lots of trouble and need to do a lot of explaining. She has always hated the higher ups because they are an organization of corruption in the shadowhunter world, especially when it comes to their dislike of downworlders.

(E/C) eyes look around for the other young fighters, not finding them inside of the main room of the Institute, "Hodge, where have Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary gone to?"

Them not being here is making her become very worried, especially with the bad feeling inside of her heart that something terrible will soon be happening.

'This is really becoming different from the usual days at the Institute. Okay (Y/N), just breathe and wait for them to come back, then you can just yell at them all you want. Gosh I sound old...' she thinks as she helps Hodge stand up by wrapping his arm around her and slowly standing them both up.

Feeling better from the second healing rune, Hodge turns his head over to his friend, "They went to go see the Silent Brothers. As far as I know, Clary wants her memories back because of what I told her about Valentine and the Circle."

Once he utters the former organization's name, the rune burns him, causing him to cry out in pain. An apologetic look is sent to the blonde from (Y/N), feeling sorry for causing him pain from talking after he just got done feeling better.

Knowing what she is now going to do about the whole situation, as well as formulating a plan inside of her head for the upcoming obstacles ahead, (Y/N) flips her (h/c) hair out of her face, "I'm going to go to them, Hodge. Keep the Institute intact for me, and whatever you do, be cautious of whoever you let in, whether it is a fellow shadowhunter, or even a member of the Clave, and watch out!"

Setting him down gently against the walls of the training area, she runs out of the Institute, determined to find everyone before the situation starts to take a turn for the worse.

Raphael Santiago x Reader- Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now