Part 3

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As (Y/N) walks out of the Institute, she gets roughly pulled into the alleyway, and her back hits something hard, which she guesses is the cement wall.

Turning her head to yell at the person, her mouth instantly closes as she sees the familiar pale face of Raphael. She doesn't know what to make of it. So many thoughts and questions rush through her head, wanting to come out, but she can't seem to speak.

His presence stuns her as she hasn't seen him for three weeks, not once writing a letter to tell her, or even dropping by to their meeting place those previous days to come see her as she waited for him, worried about him, missed him even!

"Why...?" This word is the only thing that escapes her lips as they tremble to prevent the falling of the tears that are beginning to form in the corners of her (e/c) eyes. His pale hand caresses her cheek with love and care.

His onyx eyes softening at the sight of her sadness and shock, "I had to get myself under control before seeing you again. For me, since you are my mate, I get cravings for your blood every now and again. I am very sorry, mi amor, but I could not see you in the frenzied state I was in." He pulls the girl to his chest, his hand tangling inside of her head of (h/c) locks.

What he says is true because he had been in the Hotel Domurt, feeding on the blood bags he has in his room, and learning to control his bloodlust once again. Not being able to mark his girlfriend without accidentally draining her of her blood was hard sometimes.

A mate's blood is intoxicating to the vampires, but hurting their mates would result in a large amount of guilt and sulking for days, or even months, on end. He will never hurt her intentionally because of how much he loves her, so it is a good thing he still had some self-control back then.

Looking up at him from the softness of his suited chest, (Y/N) smiles.

Although, as she was gazing up at him, she sees that the sky is littered with many stars, and scolds herself for not noticing the time. 'Jace and Alec are going to kill me! I totally forgot about the mission we're supposed to go on. Hopefully, they are still at the Institute, waiting for me to go with them after they lecture me,' she sulks at her thoughts, then turns to her boyfriend sadly.

"Sorry Raph, but I have to go on a mission with my friends. I love you and I am glad your back, so please don't do that again without, at least, sending a note?" The shadowhunter laughs sheepishly, a dust of pink forming on her cheeks in embarrassment.

Smirking with his fangs showing and shining in the moonlight, he kisses her forehead, then her lips passionately, having missed the feel and taste of them.

Pulling away from the kiss, he frowns as he wants more time to spend with her, but understands that if they did, then her friends, as well as his, will become suspicious of where they are.

Once his love begins to leave their meeting place, his frown deepens as he thinks about the stupid shadowhunters that are separating him from (Y/N). Even though she is one herself, Raphael still does not like the others, especially since they limit the time he gets to spend with her.

Growling deeply to himself, he speeds his way back to the Hotel Dumort, "Damn shadowhunters need to learn a few things..."

Little does she know that she will begin to question her own relationship with him...

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