Chapter two

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The doctor and Clara had been walking around the hallways for what felt like ages. The doctor looked at his watch and tapped it and tilted his head to the right. "Doctor what's wrong?" Clara hesitantly asked

"We seem to be in a time loop?" The doctor answered

"But- if we're in a time loop then wouldn't we be repeating a phrase?"

"Not exactly. That's a time loop outside the TARDIS. A time loop inside the TARDIS is very dangerous you can never tell wether you are in one or not."

"Then how do you know we are in one?"

"My watch." The doctor smiled and showed Clara his watch, the hands were spinning in all directions at different speeds. The doctor pulled his arm away from Clara and scanned her with is sonic screwdriver.

"What are you doing with that?" Clara angrily whispered at him

"You were dreaming that we were in a time loop?" The doctor edged closer looking at him. Closely

"But I was standing up and it felt real?" Clara mentioned questioning herself she rubbed the side of her head confused

"We are close to the telepathic circuit it can make your head funny and considering that you have said some things about the TARDIS she is aiming at you." The doctor stroked a wall and whispered something to it Clara looked disgusted on how someone could have that much affection for a machine.

"It's not my fault that she doesn't like me?"

"You must have said something because she doesn't just not like somebody she may take a while to warm up but she does come around." The doctor explained proudly.

"I didn't say anything to your stupid box! It's not my fault that she doesn't like me and listen to me in talking to a big blue box!" Clara raised her voice

"Oi. She can hear you!" The doctor whispered touching the walls, he whispered something to them Clara just shook her head.

"Do you want to get back to finding the cause of this book?" Clara asked putting the doctor back on track

"Yes ah, we'll its not the cause we are trying to find its the owner." The doctor corrected her

"Well lets find the owner!" Clara sighed. The doctor and Clara moved to another door in the corridor "I think it's this one" the doctor walked towards the door first and opened it. A library covered in shelves and those shelves covered with books a book caught Clara's attention it had a light of its own and was on a plinth Clara moved towards it in curiosity the doctor stopped her

"What! I'm only looking at the book?" Clara angrily asked struggling in the doctors arms

"Whatever you do don't look in this book, you could spend hours in here and read every book 10 times over but do not even think about this book." The doctor said

"If you don't want anyone to read it then don't draw attention to it." Clara remarked the doctor thought about what she had just said his face crinkled a bit he fixed his bowtie and simply replied "shut up" Clara smiled because she knew she won the argument. Clara skipped over to the nearest shelf and dusted off the book that she pulled off the shelf.

"So whoever owns this book you believe is in here?" Clara asked not looking up from where she was looking the doctor was at the next shelf doing the same thing.

"Yes. I believe I saved her to the biggest library in the universe and I have one of the um, what would u call them? Routers" the doctor replied he pulled out a book and the shelf swivelled around Clara chased after the doctor before he had completely disappeared from view. Clara rummaged around trying to find the book that the doctor pulled to make the shelf turn around a little while later the doctor reappeared with a spoon looking thing with a face on it.

"What the. What is that?" Clara stumbled

"Clara meet River she is the owner of this book." The doctor announced Clara still trying to work out what this thing was that was standing in front of her.

"But it isn't human?"Clara pointed out

"She doesn't appear human but her mind and her face is with us." The doctor swiftly took the book off Clara and stuck it in front of the 'router' and calmly asked "what is this doing here. You should have this it should have never have materialised on my console." Clara stood there puzzled at the poon like robot with a flesh face. The eyes opened "hello sweetie" the face said surprised the face grinned at the sight of the doctor. It's eyes wandered around the room and fixed on Clara "who is this?" The face angrily said the doctor looked back worried at Clara. She moved to where the doctor was standing.

"Clara Oswald." Clara proudly stood in front of the robot

"Last time I saw you Amy and Rory were with you what happened?" River asked the doctor not even acknowledging Clara. The doctor looked to his feet

"The angles took them." The doctor mumbled under his breath his face said it all. He couldn't save them no matter what happened "Amelia slipped through my fingers. I'm so sorry."

"Oh doctor" River sighed. Silence crept over the library

"Ahem. I believe the doctor had a question?" Clara broke the silence

"Sorry sweetie what was it? The book yes that is just a memo and a thank you for everything you have done for-"

"River? River!" The face was gone, a young lady took its place of around 20

"Rose Tyler saved to the library." The face said

"Rose. You shouldn't be here?" The doctor stood there puzzled Clara moved back the doctor grabbed her hand "stay with me"

"But that was River? Wasn't it? " Clara pointed out

"It was then it is using my memories it chooses the best face for your personality sort of? But it's doing more than that. Rose." The doctor hushed again

"Doctor? You have changed again? Your still not ginger." The face smiled. Clara looked at the doctor raising an eyebrow. They quickly shared a glance when the doctor turned to the problem at hand he moved towards the robot.

"you shouldn't be here Rose what are you doing?" The doctor asked

"Doctor I am here for one purpose to help you. River has told me everything. You could have told me." Rose said

"Told you what? How did you even meet River?" The doctor angrily asked

"Getting angry at me won't help, in the library she said I looked like I had seen the stars and there was only one person in the universe that can make you look like that. And we started talking and she told me everything it has been so long doctor how are you?" Rose explained Clara moved to where the doctor was and the face faded

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