Date The Roaster

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You were walking downtown, listening to SAO openings. You suddenly bump into a rather chubby-looking kid looking like Harry Potter. Then you realize, it was your YouTube crush, RoastingKid1907! You stare at him, then accidentally say, "Wow, you're a lot uglier up close!" He blushed, saying, "W-why thank you, you look hot." You blush, looking at his neck rolls. Then, you accidentally clicked on Kim Kardashian Hollywood, and you jump, swearing that you saw Jesus for 10 seconds. Roasting Potter looks surprised, yet confused. You see a slight bulge arise from his forehead. A vein appears, in the shape of a lightning bolt. You blush, showing a bright red look on your face. "That's hot." You say, blushing even harder. Harry Kid blushes too, pushing his glasses up. "How about we go back to my place, and we can roast together by the fire." He says, bouncing his eyebrows, his lightbolt-looking vein bouncing with them. You think to yourself, I really want that in my bed.

You grab his hand and walk back to his house, which looks like a garbage dump. You stare at the garbage and say, "Where's the bed and the fireplace?" He points ahead, where a dirty mattress lies, piled with trash bags for a comforter. The fireplace was a metal can on fire, surrounded by broken bricks. You can't wait to get started. Roasting Potter starts to rub his rolls, feeling tenacious. You blush, feeling embarrassed, then Harry Roast starts to make out with you. You make out with him back, not realizing what you're getting into.

After a few hours of roasting by the fire, you and Roasting Potter pant heavily, him sweating and you looking pleased. You walk out of his house that day, feeling accomplished. You can't wit to come back again.

RoastingKid1907 x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara