PLEASE! @BitterSweet6455

516 19 84

Question for all : Have you guys met Horrortale Sans?


*Creepy music starts*

Ramen-Sansy525: Huh? * Snaps awake*

UtSans (Totally oblivious): * Please Ramen, just let us go already! We've been locked up in here for 3 months doing NOTHING! I can't take this anymore! Besides, what have you told our Paps?

Ramen-Sansy525 (Takes notice): Uhhhhhh.... Uhhhh! UHHHH! WHAHAHAHAYATTA WHAT THE FUCK!?

UtSans: * What!?

HtSans (Creepy face): Hi.

*And everyone backs into a corner*

UsSans: *Smiles* Who is that!? *Runs up close* Hello!

Ramen-Sansy525: NOOOOO! *Grabs him and pulls him back* That thing will eat you!

UsSans: Eat me? *Tears up and whines*

UfSans: I want Boss... *Whimpers*

Ramen-Sansy525: *Has a stick from no where*

UtSans (whispering): * What're you gonna do with that!?- Wait, where did you get that!?

Ramen-Sansy525: *Inches closer to Horrortale Sans like a bug*

HtSans: *Crooks head to the side*

UtSans (Whispering): * Ramen! Oh my god!

UsSans: *Cowers away with tears*

UfSans: B-Blue... I-It's... *Begins whimpering and crying too*

Ramen-Sansy525 (Out of nowhere): *Deathly man scream* HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Ramen-Sansy525: ... O-O

UtSans: * Ramen!

HtSans: ...

Ramen-Sans525: ... 0-0

HtSans: ...

Ramen-Sansy525: ... o-o

HtSans: ...

Ramen-Sansy525: ... ewe

HtSans: ...

UfPapyrus: SANS!

RamenSansy525: WHAT THE FU-

*UfPap and UsPap both bust down the door*

UfSans: B-Boss.

UfPapyrus: Where the hell have you been!? I've been calling and texting and- Wha? Why are you crying!? What the hell are you wearing!?

UfSans: Uh-I-... H-H-Heh... *Cries more*

UfPapyrus: Goddamn it... *Picks him up*

UsPapyrus: Sans! Are you ok!?

UsSans: Y-Yes Pap! *Wipes tears*

Ramen-Sansy525: Oh god...

UsPapyrus: Ramen, you son of a bitch!

Ramen-Sansy525: EEEE! *Picks up horrortale Sans and throws him at UsPap.*

HtSans (Sarcastically): Weeeeeeeeeee~

UsPapyrus: AH! *Ducks*

HtSans: *Face plants*

UfPapyrus: What the hell is happening!? Is this where you've been the whole time!? I'm taking you home now!

UfSans: *Shakes uncontrollably*

UtSans: * Why me...? Wait, where's my Papy? ;-;

Ramen-Sansy525: *Stops* Now! Now! I can explain!

HtSans: *Takes axe and slings it at Ramen and misses by a centimeter*

Ramen-Sansy525: PUH-HHHHHHH! (°д°;)

Everyone excluding HtSans: *Leaves room and locks it shut*

Ramen-Sansy535: *Sigh* We're gonna have to move until @BitterSweet6455 comes and picks up this monstrosity.

*Axe swings can be heard swinging into the door multiply times*

Ramen-Sansy525: Good thing that doors indestructible... *Turns around to two very angry Paps*

UfPapyrus (Scary tone): *Still holding a sleepy UfSans* I don't know what's happening! I don't know what you've done but I'm going to fucking kill you for this shit!

UsPapyrus (Shadowed face): *Also holding a UsSans* Count me in.

Ramen-Sansy525: *Gulps and laughs hysterically* W-Well Peeps... Uh... I have to go now and uh... fix this... Please, BitterSweet6455, please come and get this curse you've unleashed.

HtSans: *Breaks through door* HERE'S SANSY!!!


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