And yet the Declan she had seen could topple an entire kingdom with the flick of his hand.

Only when he felt like it of course.

"Come on." Raphael said as Seraphia went underwater,"I'll take you to a place where you can change out of those clothes and wash up."

A bath sounded really good to Aubrey.

"Here." Raphael said, handing a cloak to Aubrey,"Your clothing is odd for a woman so it's best that you cover up."

Aubrey accepted the cloak and was surprised to see how light it was.

"Did we get out because of you? The hole in the ground, did you-" Aubrey asked Raphael who nodded. 

"I created the portal."

Declan looked impressed, "A portal huh?  That's quite impressive."

"You were the one who taught me." Raphael said. 

"Huh?" Aubrey muttered confused, "I thought you'd never met him before on your trip."

Must be yet another one of his lies.

Declan shook his head, "I haven't. He probably means another version of us."We probably must have travelled back to Atlantis again in the future."

"Great to know we'll be doing this again." Aubrey muttered as they started walking.

Declan rolled his eyes,"I'm not too happy about it either."

"The Fae's don't know about this little power of yours do they?" Aubrey taunted.

"Even you don't know what I'm capable of Aubrielle." Declan said, his voice flat and cold,"And pray that you don't have to find out."

"Are you threatening me?" Aubrey asked,"I am not the one who dragged the other Seventy five thousand years in the past. So if anybody should be plotting their revenge it should be me."

"I don't know what your complaining about." Declan snapped,"It's not like you have anything out anyone to go back to."

That shut Aubrey right up.

"Okay." Raphael said clapping his hands together,"Let's have a change of topic."

"And the guards were after those future versions of us?" Aubrey asked carefully ignoring the asshole that went by the name Declan. "Which means the kidnapping and everything else they accussed us of did we really do it?"

Both Declan and Aubrey turned to look at Raphael.  He looked thoughtful for a second but after a cursory glance towards Declan he nodded, "Yes. We did all of those things."

Aubrey didn't miss the glance.

"So Declan did it and we all got into shit for that, didn't we?"

Declan rolled his eyes but Raphael looked shocked but he managed to let out a strangled,"N-No."

"Why?" Aubrey asked,"Is the future Declan also such a pighead that he goes as far to kidnap a princess?"

"He did it for her safety-"Raphael started but Aubrey was quick to catch on.

"So he did do it." She pointed out.

"Yes. I mean no. I mean-" Raphael just sighed,"You'll understand when you see her."

"So basically Declan just couldn't keep it in his pants."

"God you're insufferable." Declan said,"I think it be better to just dump you here."

"Yes after all I have nothing to go back to right?" Aubrey retorted.

Declan kept quiet, completely ignoring her.

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