What about me?

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   Eadlyn's POV

      I am working on some paper work on the back patio when a tabloid magazine is slapped down in front of me.

"What is this?" Kile asks me, sounding a bit angry.

"A kiss," I replied, saucily.

"I am fully aware of that. But, was it like our first kiss?"

"You mean, was it staged? No, no it wasn't for the camera. Actually, when I thought that I had heard the camera shutter go off, I broke away, and went to bed. Happy?"

"Well, no. I mean, how many other guys have you made out with?"

"Just you and Henri is all."

"But why Henri? Am I not good enough for you?"

"What? No, Kile you are wonderful for me. I just have to keep my options open right now, that's all."

"An option? Is that all I am to you? Just an option!? Why can't I be more than that to you?  I mean, sure we've never quite seen eye to eye but, I thought we'd been getting along lately. I mean, we have, what with you just walking up to me and kissing me whenever you like. That can't go on if you're making out with other guys. You need to make a decision. You need to make a decision for yourself and for me, and for the rest of the guys here."

"I'm barely a month into this! How can you expect me to have fallen in love? You've known me my whole life. You know how hard it is for me to open up to people! I promised my parents that I would give this three months, and I will!"

"So, after three months, what happens? Are you just going to send us all away? Don't any of the Selected mean anything to you?"

"Of course! All of you mean something to me! Some more than others. And, believe it or not, I have made a promise to myself too. I'm walking out of this with a ring on my finger! I just don't know who'll be wearing the other one."

At this, I got up and stormed back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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