Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Stiles POV

The full moon is tonight and I was busy planning the special evening, I made my choice.  I had Jackson and Scott help me out. I packed my small bag and hoisted over my shoulder, my bag was fill with first aid just in case we get to wild or something like that and my clothes.

“Wish me luck,” I said swallowing my nervousness.

“Good luck, oh here, its going to be full moon so take this,” Jackson handed me silver knife incased in a sheath. “It will hurt him but he will snap out of it if he starts to hurt you too much, you may not need it but take it just in case.”

“Um… okay,” I reluctantly grabbed the knife and put it on my bag.

“Well good luck,” Scott said beaming.

“What are you smiling about?” I asked.

“You’ll be part of the pack,” Scott said jumping up and down.

“Yeah… alright it is almost sundown, got to go, see you later,” I said and walked out of the apartment.

 I walked relatively about 30 minutes before I finally arrived at the campsite. Scott and Jackson help me set up. I put the bag in the blue tent and came back out with lighter fluid and lighter. I sprayed the logs in the hole and lit it.  It roared to life and I sat crossed legged looking into the fire.  The sun had finally set and the moon was halfway up in the sky.

I heard a twig snap and I turned my head and saw red eyes, shimmering gently and the wolf approach me.

“Derek,” I smiled.

Derek growled his face rubbed against mine his rough tongue licks my neck.

“Straight to the point, huh?” I said chuckling.

My hands ran through his fur, it was thick but soft.  Derek had human body which is covered in hair, his face took on a wolf features.

Derek growled and purred, I kisses his muzzle and rubs my head against his.  Derek growled and gently head butted me and I flopped on the floor. Derek raked his claws over my shirt ripping it to shreds.  I pushed off pants and lay naked on the forest floor under Derek’s heated gaze.  His tongue licked my neck all the way to my calfs.

He nuzzled my side wanting me roll over, I did and I get his rough hands lift me onto on fours.  I breathed deeply and jerked when I felt his tongue licking my intimate part.  He did that over and over until I felt numb and  relax.

“Derek,” I moaned, “Stop teasing,” I said huskily.

Derek growled  and I felt him on top of me and his cock touching me.  He growled and pushed in, I gasped loudly, he was bigger than the human Derek. Luckily I was numb down there.  I moaned when Derek added more of himself in.

Derek growled and fucked me faster, I was clawing the floor moaning and crying out in pleasure and pain.  Derek was grunting and  moaning his hands having a hard grip on my hips,

“Derek, Derek, Derek,” I moaned over and over again.

Derek growled and he sank his teeth into the mark he made before.

“HOLY FUCK!” I screamed and came on the floor.

I moaned slumped against the ground, Derek was still thrusting in me, he was growling his body tense.  I squeeze my muscles and he howled finally spilling in me.  He slumped on me panting.

After a moment he picked me up and carried me to the tent.  He laid me the furry blanket. I heard a faint creak and pops and see Derek was back to normal.

“Good boy,” he kissed my lips once. “My mate,” he growled possessive and held me close.

I moaned and wraps my arms around him, “Mine.” I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2011 ⏰

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