Chapter 1

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Ginny Weasley was up in the Gryffindor Tower bawling. In between sobs, she cried " I j-j-just miss h-h-him, Hermione," over and over again to her best friend who was holding her hand the whole time she was sobbing, Hermione Granger. "I know he misses you too, Gin, it's obvious," she told Ginny. "He loves you and you love him so just go down there and tell him that!" she exclaimed. The portrait hole creaked open and Hermione's boyfriend who was also Ginny's older brother, Ron, walked into the room. He went over to Ginny and said softly "He loves you Ginny." She nodded her head. The portrait hole opened again, it was Harry, the boy Ginny was crying over. Ginny suddenly buried her head into Hermione's shoulder. "Hi," he said as quiet as a mouse. Ginny looked up. Her face was streaked with makeup and tears, she ran over and embraced Harry in a large hug a bear couldn't even give. "I'm sorry," Harry whispered into her ear. "I just didn't want anything to happen to you." Ginny nodded her head into Harry's shoulder ,unable to speak. "We'll leave you two alone," Hermione said as she pulled Ron through the portrait hole. "But-" Ron tried to say but Hermione's glare stopped him. "Fine." he sighed as a stepped through the portrait whole with Hermione.

Once they were gone, Harry let go of Ginny and took one finger under her chin to lift it up to look at his face. "I love you," he said. "And I'll never stop loving you Ginny Weasley! Do you want me to scream it while running through the castle? EVERYONE I LOVE GINNY WEASLEY! EVERYONE-" He was cut off by Ginny's pointer finger pushing up against his lips. "Shhhh," she said. "I know, I know you love me." She moved her finger from his lips and kissed him, kissed him the way she did when she kissed him on his seventeenth birthday. There foreheads pushed together after the kiss. "I love you too," she whispered. He kissed her nose. "I know," he said and he grabbed her hand as he opened the portrait hole to go back downstairs, where everyone else was. As they walked down the stairs, Harry kissed Ginny on the cheek and whispered again "I love you," into her ear.

As they steeped down onto the main floor, everyone turned around and started clapping for Harry. "YOU DEFEATED VOLDEMORT!" George, Ginny's brother yelled. "It's time to celebrate!" a dirty looking Seamus Finnegan added. Professor McGonagall raised her wand in the air and suddenly the Great Hall was good as new. "It's time for a feast!" she yelled into the crowd. Everyone cheered. As food appeared on the tables Ginny and Harry went to sit down next to the Weasley family, still holding hands. "Oh, Harry good thing you are alright," Mrs. Weasley cried as she threw her arms around the couple. "And I see your relationship has been mended." she pointed out. Ginny nodded and sat down next to her mother. Harry sat in between Ginny and Ron. "Everything's all good now, I see, " Ron whispered as he started to fill his plate with as much food as possible. "Slow down Ron," Hermione said as she pulled his hand away from the roast. "You'll get a stomach ache!" Ron shook his head "Blimey Hermione, you've know me for almost 8 years and you still haven't realized that I can eat as much as I want whenever I want?" She giggled. Harry looked down the table, the whole Weasley clan was there. Fleur and Bill, Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron and of course George and Ginny. He was so glad to see the family happy, even after the death of Fred, George's twin brother. "Attention, please!" Professor McGonagall yelled. "All students will return home for an early summer holiday because of the destruction of Hogwarts. Everyone will be on the train home tonight!" The students cheered. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley turned to Harry. "You are welcome to stay with us, Harry, you too Hermione." said Mr. Weasley. "Oh, yes Arthur, that would be wonderful wouldn't it?" Mrs. Weasley added. Harry turned to Ginny "Is that okay with you?" he asked her. "Is that okay with me?" she repeated "Of course it is!" she practically screamed as she threw her arms around him.

As they finished eating dinner, everyone started to file out of the Great Hall, leaving only the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione. The teachers were filing out too, each one coming over to Harry and thanking him for all he had done. "No, thank you," he told each one of them. "Without all of you I would never had made it to where I am today." Professor Flitwick patted him on the back and Professor McGonagall started crying. "Potter, I will see you next year, I hope," she cried "Thank you." The Weasley family and Harry and Hermione walked to the train station with Professor McGonagall. She hugged Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and patted Harry's shoulder walking away to the other teachers with tears in her eyes. They all boarded the train, Mrs. and Mr. Weasley and Bill, Fleur, and Percy taking one room on the train and Ginny, Harry, George, Hermione and Ron taking another. Ginny leaned up against Harry's shoulder and fell asleep as their journey home began.

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