Dear Joron

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Well hello, so I'm just writing you back from the letter you wrote me...   So here I go!!

I love you soo much <3 (as a friend) f.y.i. this comes from my red heart. Back to what I was saying!!! In kidergarden, I met you, and you were really my only friend besides Lily, but you were always there for meh. And that makes me so happy (: I have a friend that really cares for me and loves me too!! (:  But i got to admit I get a little okay a lot jealous of you and Lily, i feel like you and Lily are bffs foreves... and I love that, but you guys leave me out of everything. Sorry lets get back to positives!! But 1st-3rd we stopped talking and It made me really sad, I thought we weren't freinds anymore, but here we are in 6th grade!! Can you believe it. Holly Cheeze balls!! then in 4th grade we started to talk again, and we are the best friend and I hope it stays that way forever, witch reminds me that me you and Lily we need to get friendship anything, rings, nechlaces, bracelets, earing. wats so ever. I really love to hang with you ( the cool kid) you and Lily are cool, but I'm just trying to be cool. Yeah!! you are so kind and friendly know warnder why we are such good friends and you have so many friends, more that a pop star would!!(; But this letter just means I love you soooo much, and I want you to know if we ever stop being friends i will always care for you. and if you ever break up being friends with me I will always be your friend. even if i'm a loner, witch i do feel like a loner sometimes. But I have a pic of you on meh door ( i'm not a stalker) and I wrote bffs forever on it, And it means a lot to me that you are there for me everyday, well most of the time, sometimes you are sick in bed when me and other people are at school, but you get the point don't you? Okay good. I love you



My bestest friend    Christiann

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