How to get free books!

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Personally, I like to be able to read what I like when I like and for a few years now I've been using this solution to get free books! I can sometimes feel guilty for the authors (not paying for books and all) but if I find a series or an author that I like I tend to pay for the books to support the author. If I paid for all the books that I read though, I would of spent way too much money on books already so this is a good solution!

I'm sorry in advance but as far as I know this only works for iPhones!

Firstly you need to make sure that you have these two apps:

Files - File Manager & Web Browser by Hian Zin Jong

Then on the file manager go to the link:
And search for the book that you want (sometimes it's worth searching with just the name or author of you can't find it) , if you find it click on it to download it (it won't take long at all to download)

If you can't find the book that you want on that website try searching for the authors name on: 
If you find the book that you want you have to click on it and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click download then it will take you to another page where you have to click ePub and then it should download.

If you can't find the book you want you probably will have to pay for it. If your desperate you can always try searching "book name" "author" and "ePub" in Google but you are unlikely to find it.

Once you have downloaded your book go to downloads in the Files app and click on the ℹ️ button. It will take you to a page where you will see the option "open in" click on this option and choose iBooks

This will open your desired book in iBooks so you can read it! (Once you have got the book in iBooks you can delete it from the files manager if you like)


If you need help or my instructions aren't clear enough with this don't hesitate to message me via wattpad, I should reply!

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