"Ah, Giotto, everyone!" Greeted Cozart. I look away form Parvento to see, a flash of yellow?

Then I felt a sudden hug. I widened my eyes, 'Uh..?'

"GIOTTO!" The pink haired man yelled, pulling the said guy away. He won't budged. I can't see the person's face, it was buried on my shoulders. 'Do I know him..?' I didn't make a move to escape, he was shaking..

"G.. GIotto!" Cozart suddenly pulled me away from the said man. There I saw a golden blond spiky haired man, his blue eyes are in tears.

"Eh?" The guy says and wiped it away. He then recollected himself,

"So we meet again." He smile at me,

'Again?' I just.. nods, smiling back.

He then face Cozart, "Why so early?"

"Ah about that!" Grinned Cozart,


We sat in a sofa, I sit on Cozar's left while Parvento on his right. He introduced us to them and us as his new guardians,

"Are you nuts, Cozart! She doesn't even know what dying will flames are and you made her a.. ?!?!" G, the pink haired man, suddenly yell,

"Relax, G!" Assured Cozart, "She's capable enough." He smiles and patted my head, "Right Tsunayoshi?" I smile softly,

"....." They all fell silent, Giotto, the blond one, Asari, and Lampo looks concerned. Though the blond seems.. angry?

"Nufufu~" The room suddenly feels cold. Giotto sighed, "Daemon, welcome back."

A.. melon appeared in the middle of the room out of nowhere, "Nufufu what's this? Your new guardian, Cozart?"

"A melon.." "Melon." I and Parvento blurted out unconsciously. The room feel silent.

"Nufufu, I'm in a good mood so I'll just pretend I didn't hear that." The rest tries not to laughed.

"Excuse me, Cozart, Vongola." Parvento suddenly says, standing up, "I need to go to the rest room, the sudden cold temperature makes me giddy." He excuse himself and left the room,

"Nufufu~ Are you sure you want a guy like that to be your guardian? He seemed weak."

"That's rude, Dameon!" The other man, Knuckle, scolded.

Cozart shot him a glare, The melon, uh Daemon, just chuckled, "He's strong and a good guy son don't make fun of him like that."

"Nufufu." Daemon scoffs, "So whose the girl?"

"Ah. I'm Tsunayoshi.." I introduced myself,

"Hooh?" Dameon caste a glance towards Giotto and chuckles, "Nufufu~ How interesting~"

"Giotto." Giotto flinched at hearing his name being called out,

"What is it?"

"Alaude just returned back, he's in his office room with reports." Giotto nods and stands up,

"Well, enjoy your stay." Giotto smiles at Cozart and me, we smile back,

"Tsunayoshi.." He called my name before leaving the room with G, "Lets talk again later." I nods, he left. Lampo decides to go to the kitchen to searched for more candies, Asari went to get tea for us, Knuckle and Daemon stays.


Parvento's POV

"I'm inside the Vongola's HQ now. Send in the troops, prepare the attack." I announced to the phone,

"Why so sudden, boss?"

I starts laughing, "Decimo is here."


Checkerface's POV

"Decimo is here." I sighed and transported myself away from the Vongola's restroom.

I was watching him from the start, hiding my presence without him knowing.

I smirks, "Busted." I say, chuckling, With this, the Vindice have the rights to capture the said man.

Appearing inside the HQ, the grim reapers noticed me and surrounded me, ready to attack,

"What are you doing here?" demanded Bermuda, sitting on Reborn's shoulders,

"Arcobaleno sun is here already? Well that aside, there's a job for you." I announced.

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