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A cuban and black good girl living in Virginia. She is in her Jr year of college at Virginia State University studying marine biology. 20 yrs old and has a twin who is her total opposite - Monique.
Childhood friend of the twins. Lena is more Monique's best friend but started dating Chanel the second semester of their first year at Virginia State University.

Chanel POV

I'm so freaking over this on again off again relationship. I wish I could just move on I really do but it's so hard to do when you think you in love with the other person. I say think because I never been in a real relationship til Lena. I know I love her no doubt about that I mean we been friends since we were 5. <Lena walks in>
Chanel- "You're late again Lena"
Lena- "I know baby I'm sorry"
Chanel- "Sorry would've been ok if you were only maybe an hour late and called but you didn't call or text me back and you're almost 4 hrs late Lena"
Lena- "Chanel I said I was fucking sorry damn. Wtf else do you want me to say?"
Chanel- "Don't curse at me and don't yell at me like I'm in the wrong. You could've called me instead of having me worried and shit."
Lena- "Oh so the little princess does curse?"
Chanel- "Get out Lena give me my key and just go. I'm so over you disrespecting me and not giving a fuck about my feelings."
Lena- "Chanel stop tripping you and I both know I will have this back <she throws the keys on the bed>and we both know it's not over." <she chuckles>
Chanel- "I'm done get out please<I feel a tear roll down my cheek>
Lena- <she walks over to me and tries to kiss me> "Im sorry. I should've called"
Chanel- "I said I'm done. Please just go."
Lena- "Chanel I'm not going anywhere"
Chanel- "Since you not going anywhere where you been.? The truth."
Lena- "With Mo"
Chanel- "Doing"
Lena- "Chanel"
Chanel- "Get out" I knew they still messed around I'm done
Lena- "I will give you some time"
Chanel- "Give me sometime? You say that as if you know everything will be fine after some time."
Lena- "I do" She says with a smirk planted on her face.
Chanel- "That's the problem. That's how I know you not sorry and you're not going to change. I'm fucking done Lena. Go back to Mo's. Fuck you" She grabs me and tries to force me to kiss her back. I push her off towards the door then go and get her duffle bag that's been packed for three hours. I opened the door and throw her bag out and push her out. BAM. I slammed the door before she can even say any more lies.

In Love With You But I Love HimDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora