"You're here? Were you worried about me?" She smiled,her tone both excited and sarcastic.

"I'm here, not just for you. But yes, I was worried I'm glad you're okay." He released his grip and stood beside her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"What do you mean, not just for me?" She looked at him quizzically.

"Soon..." He walked off, to let her talk with everyone else.

Everyone took turns to say something along the lines of: I'm glad to see you, you're okay, or we were so worried. It was Fred's turn last. His eyes did not meet hers and it looked as though if he was contemplating something.

"Say something, you git!" George hit him hard in the back.

But Fred didn't say anything, he moved to quickly, even for Scarlet. His actions spoke louder than words, and she held in every moment of his kiss. She missed his lips, she missed his touch, she missed his warmth and more importantly she missed his love. She wasn't even sure if how long they were there, and she didn't care that they had an audience, he put his hand under her hair and caresses her softly with his thumb. When they finally let go he whispered close to her face. His voice breathless.

"I still love you."

"Wanna go out with me?" She cocked her head to the side and laughed, as he smiled his approval.

Everything was perfect.

"Alright, everyone leave, we have things to discuss." McGonagall barked, and she was followed closely by Professor Snape, he looked as though he didn't want to be there. Perhaps it was Scarlet.

After everyone left, only Scarlet, Remus, Snape, McGonagall, Madam Pompfrey and someone behind some dividers remained. All of them but Snape looked at her sympathetically. Looking briskly at the dividers before her she knew what she had done. She had bitten a student.

"Ms Wolf, you need to understand-" McGonagall started.

"It was a risk enrolling me here, I'll pack my bags." Scarlet looked down, she was going to be expelled.

"No, Ms Wolf, Professor Dumbledore has allowed you to stay,we are here to talk of another issue."

"Is this where you're going to tell me what happened last time I transformed?" She growled.

"Yes." Snape said with such monotone, Scarlet knew she was getting a detention for her remark.

"Scarlet," This time Remus spoke to her, "Four nights ago you had your monthly transformation, during that time you had an encounter with something in the grounds-"

"I have a name!" His voice was sharp, snide, and cocky. Pushing aside his dividers Draco sat there, looking like Scarlet, with cuts and bruises all over him.

"Mr Malfoy, this is not how we were going to break it to her." McGonagall snapped at him.

"I don't want her help!" He spat at her, his eyes filled with such loathing.

"I bit him!!" Scarlet yelled in surprise, so she did attack a student.

"No, Scarlet, you did not bite him, he-" Remus looked from her shocked face to Snape and McGonagall.

What where they keeping from her? What were they about to tell her?

"Mr Malfoy is like you-" McGonagall started.

"But not entirely, like your case-" Remus continued.

"Mr Malfoy is a," Snape paused, eyeing Scarlet, she was beginning to figure things out, "Mr Malfoy is a werewolf."

"What!" Scarlet yelled in sync with Draco.

"I don't want her help!" He whined again, in sync with Scarlet.

"Mr Malfoy, she will not be helping you." Both of the cubs looked shocked at McGonagall's statement, "You will both be helping each other."

That last part was followed by lots of shouting, and Scarlet couldn't help herself from growling, and baring her teeth at Draco.

"Scarlet," Remus began, and his quiet voice instantly silenced her, "Professor Snape has kindly agreed to make both of you Wolfsbane Potion, every week before the full moon. This way the both of you will not come back from the transformation looking like this." He gestured to Draco and herself.

Despite what they were trying to get to, Scarlet was happy that she may not have to be bloodied up again after a transformation. Even if she hated Malfoy, clearly whatever they were going to ask, wouldn't be too much.

"On the night of the full moon, we ask that you both accompany each other, around the grounds." McGonagall continued, but her voice was lost to a new uprising of shouts.

"Silence, both of you." Snape snapped, "Ms Wolf has more control of her werewolf transformations, than you Draco, thus we have concluded if you were both under the Wolfsbane Potion, Ms Wolf can keep you in tact." He finished, speaking ever so slowly.

"But I can take care of myself!" He spat, clearly the idea of Scarlet being in charge was something he deeply detested.

"Would you rather be expelled from the grounds, Mr Malfoy?" McGonagall asked quickly.

"N-No... Professor..." Draco stammered.

"The final thing we have to discuss, is more so with you Scarlet." Remus began, "Whilst the entire school is aware of your 'furry little problem'-"

"Please, Remus, the formalities." McGonagall sighed.

"The school is not aware that Draco is a werewolf, and he would like to keep it that way." Remus finished.

"I'll hold my tongue." She muttered darkly.

"If you do let it slip, that Draco is a werewolf, we will expel you from the school." Snape emphasised darkly.

Scarlet was kept in the hospital wing for one more day before she was finally allowed back into the school. Most of her injuries had healed, though she had to continue to use the potion that would heal her arm from the Hungarian Horntail. She kept her mouth shut about Draco's furry little problem and decided to not talk to people in general. Hermione was right, her studies were more important.

So it seemed that she and Draco would have to learn to be friends or just learn to get along with each other. It was awkward when they crossed paths in corridors, or were near each other in a class. Though he would continue to pretend she didn't exist, unless the teachers forced them together for a discussion about their predicament, Scarlet noticed him around the school more often.

Something about him was off. And it wasn't because he'd be spending the next full moon with her. There was something else.

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