Chapter 3

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(Jon Kotarjarena will be playing the sexy Mason!)

Link's pov,

"Link hurry the fudge poppy seeds up before I come in there and cut all your hair off!" I heard from the other side of the door.

    "BUZZ OFF YOU JEALOUS PEASANT!" I yelled back to my nuisance of a brother.
Tonight was the night of May's brothers club opening. I was actually pretty excited! We were going to be sitting in the VIP section, popping free bubbly, and hopefully, who am I kidding I would definitely be getting laid tonight bitches!

   After another 20 minutes I was finally finished and read to go slay some hoes.

      The club was only 25 minutes away so someone  explain to me why Riley's stupid self was yelling at me to hurry up!

   "Wow this place looks pretty nice. There's so many people on line." Riley's said as we walked up to the club from the car.

  "What do you expect Ryhe, it is New York City after all." I retorted with a little classic sass.

      You guys know I was not about to stay in line with all the other common folk, so I grabbed Riley's hand and dragged him to the bouncer at the front off the door who had a list in his hands.

    "Hey look kid you got to wait in line like everyone else" the bouncer immediately said when he saw us approach.

     HE DID NOT JUST CALL ME "KID" I thought to myself!

    "One; don't you ever call me "kid", you bald headed secret security wanna be, and two; my names on the list as VIP under Grygiel, so let me in you filthy orangutan." I said pretty much seething.

" u-uh I'm so sorry Mr. Grygiels it'll never happen again, please go in" the idiot said pretty much pissing in his boots.

   After giving him one last glare, Ryhe and I entered the club.

      This place was amazing! The first thing we were met with were men and women in barely-there-clothing handing out what appeared to be red colored shots.

The music was blasting but the base was controlled so I didn't feel my heart thumping in my thought.

Me and Ryhe were about to ask one of the bartenders how to get to the VIP section when I heard my nickname being screamed from across the club "WEBLINK!" I hated when May called me that, she was the only twat in the universe that did.

"Bitch don't call me that shit in public!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Riley and I made our way over to her and although the bitch drove me crazy, I couldn't deny the fact that she looked smoking in the tight burgundy and black leather trimmed mid thigh body con dress she had on with her favorite black glitter Louboutins.

Me being me of course, turned her back towards me and smacked her ass yelling "damn ma, if only you had a tool with that stool!"

" I thoroughly apologize for his existence" Riley said as he looked at me in amusement and a little bit of shame.

"It's okay doll face, I blame the universe for creating him" May giggled

" you bitches are so funny I forgot to laugh" I said in my best monotone and straight face combo.

"Anyways, I'm so happy you made, I have to introduce you both to macie and logger as I like to call them" May said as she took us to the upstairs area of the club. In order to go up the stairs May had to swipe a card.

The upstairs part of the club was even nicer than the main floor. Seeing as I had done some research(I know what a shocker), I knew it was a BDSM club. I guess up here is where the more kinkier things took place because besides for the excess of leather outfits, one couldn't tell at first glance of the first floor that this was a kink club.

"Hey Mayday, are these your friends I've heard so much about ?" I heard a deep baritone voice ask. It had this sexy velvety tone that almost made me shiver, it was a bit rough and dominant which was contradicting.

"Oh hey Logger, meet Link and Riley, they're my brothers from another mother" may said introducing us to the Adonis.

"Hey cutie I'm Link"I said to him in my all to natural flirty tone.

He gave me this sort of knowing look which was a bit unnerving.

" and what's your name?" I heard him direct the question to Riley who had suddenly became quiet and was actually sporting a light blush. Hmmm interesting, it seems little Riley has found a pole he wants in his hole!

"Link. No that's his name.. May, no that's not my name either...umm what was I saying?" Riley said. At this point the poor boy was talking out of his ass and his face was redder than a Bloody Mary. It was *laugh* quite hard to watch *laugh* I felt sorry for the boy *laugh*

"This rambling idiots name is Riley" I said deciding I'd be mother Teresa and save this hoe.

"Hey May, did your friends arrive yet?" I heard a voice from behind me say. This time I actually did shiver. The voice was commanding, sexy, deep, and sensual, so much so that I was afraid my mini Dr. Evil might have been noticeable.

" yea they're right here doofus. Link and Riley meet my brother Mason" Riley was still blushing like a Billy goat while I took a few breathes before turning around.

And damn was I not ready for what stood before me.

( I'm so sorry I haven't updated in sooooooo long I hate to be one of those people! A lot of you have been asking me to update and I promise to try and do it more!! Please be patient with me loves! XOXO)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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