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The world I know always has flowers.

From white lilies to chrysanthemums, the color of my life is covered with vibrant shades. The sky is constantly bright, the sun shining down a hope for a future. But although my life seems great to others on the outside, it's actually not.

Everyone has those times, right? So you can't actually say that a person's life is perfect, and long to have what they have and what they do. Because in the end we all have our own burden to carry and things we wish we didn't have to endure.

This is what I think when I stand staring at the school before me.

It was a hard time getting into this school, especially since all the other high schools my father tried to register me and my sister in refused to transfer us during the middle of the year. When they finally chose to give us a chance, my family immediately cleaned out our house and went straight to Ojisan's place, a small apartment that i'm sure could only hold two people.

My little sister, Suzume, was already acquainted with our uncle's friend, whom she met when she wandered out of the train station. The man had green eyes and black hair, and was very cheerful. I was glad that Suzume was already getting along with someone on her first day in Tokyo.

For me, I saw this sudden change as being torn away from my hometown. But I know deep inside that I'm hoping for something new, something that could bring more light and flowers into my small little world. It was hard to think about such things when the aura of the school was weighing down on our heads.

"Shuuei High School..." Suzume mumbled, staring straightly at the sign that stuck tight against the brick wall.

"Shuuei High School," I thought, before taking a step through the platinum gates.

Never did I know that from the moment I stepped past those gates, the life I knew would be changed forever.

The Meaning of Spring (OC x Sunakawa Makoto)Where stories live. Discover now