Chapter 5

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-Derek's Pov-

I was as usual sitting in my house when an unknown scent hit me.

The alphas couldn't be here already?

There was a knock on the door. well it certainly was a werewolf..

I opened the door and tried to put her down. But she was way stronger than me,

''What do you want?''

''A better welcome'' she muttered

''Would you like to come in?' I asked sarcastic.

''Yes I'd love to'' she answered just as sarcastic.

''You know I could help you..''

''With what?''

''The alpha pack?!''

''I guess you're Alyssa..''


''How can you help?''

''First of al, I'm stronger than all of you. Second, I've been with them before and I know their weaknesses.''

''Sounds good''

''By the way, tell Scott that I'm not going to hurt Allison.''


''Great'' she said and left.

-Alyssa's Pov-

I was really bored, so I thought I'd call Allison and see if she wanted to do something.


''Hey it's Alyssa, I just wondered I you wanted to do something cause I'm really bored..''

''Hi Alyssa! Sure, what are we gonna do?''

''Hmm, hiking at the mountain nearby and have a picnic on top of it?''

''Sounds fun!''

''I'll pick you up at 5.30?'' (it's 4.00)


And then I prepared for the hiking..

--Later That Evening--

We were at the top of the mountain when I smelled another werewolf, at first I thought it was scott. but I was wrong..

''Damn it..''

''What's wrong?'' Allison asked.

''Trust me, you don't wanna know'' I said and turned to the werewolf behind me who's eyes were full of hate. Shining Green Eyes. Not Good.

Lets talk about the colors of our eyes.. We got the yellow ones, a normal wolf. blue, a wolf who has taking innocent lives, red, an alpha. And green, A wolf full of rage and no control, alot stronger and powerful than an alpha.

I could hear Allison scream behind me.

''Don't worry Allison, I won't let him hurt you..'' and that was a promise.

I transformed into my red eyed wolf and began to run into the wolf.

I put the claws in its chest and I felt a slight pain in my neck, it got me.

But I wouldn't give up, If I did it'll go for Allison and I did not want that.

20 min later

I finally put the wolf down and his eyes closed.

I felt how I bled round my neck, my stomach. I felt the terrible pain.

And I fainted.

-Allison's Pov-

I had just witnessed the most terrifying fight ever and then seeing my friend who just had fought her life for mine fall to the ground unconscious. I panicked.

I should have called 911 but I called Scott instead. He got here quickly and did not let me question him why we weren't going to the hospital.

We stopped at a burned down house in the middle of the woods.

-Scott's Pov-

Me and Isaac carried her in to Derek, who was going to help her.

''She's all ripped apart! What the hell happened?''

''I think she might have fought for Allison's life...'' I said.

Maybe I actually could trust her..

''Yeah whatever but what could possibly have done this?''

Then I heard Allison in the back..

''It was big. and had bright green eyes..'' she said quietly...

''Great.. what if its more of them?!''

''I don't know, but I'm taking Allison home now..'' I said.



When we were at Allison's I said to her;

''you're gonna be okay, I'm not letting anyone hurt you, okay?''

''Yeah, but what if that happens to you?''

''I'll survive.''


''I promise..''

--Alyssa's Pov--

I woke up feeling dizzy in what I could see in Derek's house.

Without rising I asked;

''What the hell am I doing here?''

''You almost died''

''Yeah sure.''

''Yeah you risked your life to save Allison from a green eyed wolf.''

''Hmm, yeah that sounds like me.''

I decided to call Allison to tell her I'm alright and so I did.


''Omg, Are you Alright?''

''Yeah I'm fine, don't worry bout me..''

''Okay.. See ya in school?''


--Scott's Pov--

I was heading to Alyssa's home to thank her, but almost changed my mind thinking about how I've treated her.. but I had to make it up..

I knocked on her door and she opened.

''Hi, I just wanted to thank you for keeping Allison safe earlier..''

''I told you, I don't want her to get hurt.. She's my friend. Like my only too, I don't want to loose her..''

Ok, now I felt bad for her..

''I now know that I can trust you..''



A little longer chapter :3

What do you think?(:

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