Kidnapped. (Chapter 2)

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I wandered the streets for some time, in hope I'd find someone caring enough to allow me to have some money to stay at a hotel for the night or something. It was now pitch black. The bright moon was out, and the street lights were brighter than ever. I walked over to an alleyway and sat on the floor with my bag and resting my head on my knees, sobbing. All I could think about was my parents. What those girls said to me, really got me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, as I became tired than ever.

"Are you ok?" A man said to me, whilst running.

Finally, someone who cared for me. I was almost delighted. I looked up at him, wiping tears from my red face.

"N-not really." I quietly said, still shaking.

He bent down besides me, cupping my chin with his hand.

"What's your name beautiful?" He said, while calming me down.

I learnt not to talk with strangers, but I had to. This was serious.

"My name is..." I couldn't end the sentence.

"It's alright, Hun. Take your time." He encouraged.

" name is Delilah. Daisy for short." I pushed out the sentence.

He started at me smiling.

"Ok, honey."

He took my hand, helping me up on to my feet.

"Oh, um, thanks." I whispered.

We walked to the end of the street and he grabbed me, taking me by surprise. I screamed, yelling, telling him to let me go, but he placed me in the car and drove off really fast. I could hardly see anything, it was too dark.

"Hey." I screamed, but he didn't hear me.

"HEY!!" I used with all my strength.

He looked in the window mirror and smiled at me. I was disgusted. I think I was officially kidnapped now. I was so stupid to of ran away. I cried, sobbed and occasionally screamed every once in a while. I had annoyed him and the last thing I saw was a metal thing getting bashed on top of my head. I was then out.

"Good girl." He said to himself.

I woke up in a dark room, chained to some built in metal shelves. I was in shock. I saw the man walking towards me, and kneeling down next to me.

"Hey, baby girl." He smiled, while kissing the top of my forehead.

I sobbed. I was petrified. He scared the living hell out of me, and I wasn't ok with it.

"Let me go." I tried to say in a harsh tone. But it turned out In a frightened sound.

"Ah, no." He said, in his deep tone.

"So where were you from? Why were you on the streets by yourself? Where's your family?".

His questions kept coming to me, but I didn't answer until he went into his cupboard and pulled out a belt. I was speechless.

"Now, answer me properly this time, Hun." He said, dangling the belt in front of my face.

"I-I, I don't have parents." That really hurt me. What I said hurt me like bad.

"Oh really."

"I came from an orphans home...I ran away." I cried.

His face pulled a smirk. I was disgusted at his reaction. How would he feel if he got kidnapped at my age, feeling terrified and I smirked at him. He wouldn't like it.

"I can look after you." He said playfully.

I looked at him disgracefully. I don't want a kidnapper looking after me!!

"NO!" I yelled, hoping he'd listen.

"Tuff luck. I am. You will do everything I tell you, ok?" He instructed.

Tears fell down my cheeks, as I leant down. He cupped my chin, and pulled my head up roughly. That's when I realised I was in a room. A dark room. It had no windows, the walls were black and the door was wooden and locked. I turned my head slightly, and found a bed. Was I going to sleep on that tonight? The bed looked really comfortable. Better than the bed back at the orphans home. He caught me staring at it.

"You like that bed, huh?" He laughed.

I turned to him, still pouring with tears. I didn't answer him..

"Daisy, answer me now or you know what's coming." He demanded.

I blanked him. Hell no, I wasn't going to answer him. He kidnapped me and right now I just wanted to be on the streets, free. But he had no intention of taking me back.

"You know what's coming now, don't you?" He smirked.

I raised my head up higher to find him with a pole. He raised the pole up higher and....


Well, that's the second chapter up! I hope you liked it? :P

Chapter 3 will either be up tomorrow or tonight!

Bye! :P

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