uf sans x ut sans part 1

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Uf sans pov
I was having a big argument with my br- I mean boss. "no boss I won't hurt the human they didn't do any thing".  "Yes they did by being a human. "No! Boss they were born like that leave them alone". " what did you say" I said to leave them alone". " your a bigger idiot than I thought ". "Stop it boss"."No sans I'm going after them". "No you aren't"!

*  boss tries to get pass you block him 
* boss tries again you block again
* boss decides to fight you
* you are now battling boss
* boss tells you stop being an idiot
* you the boss no not till he leaves the human alone
*boss slams you into bones
*you don't even try to fight back in fear of hurting him
* he keeps attacking you till your about to die
*He decides to spare your worthless life.
* battle ends
He walks away to go after the human leaving me bleeding. I walk to our house limping. When I get to my room I start to cry not from the pain from how unloved I feel. I stop crying to fix my self up. I'm going to leave this place for good. I walk to my secret time travel device,I put in a a random date and time not caring where I go as long as I'm not here.

I walk in it starts up then zap I feel dizzy and sick I feel the machine stop. I climb out I walk seeing actual snow and evergreen trees I smile while I look around. I bump into someone I look up to see him are already standing he is  looking at me then I noticed that it's me but different "hey are you alright" "I'm fine". He stretches his hand out to help me up, I grab his hand he pulls me up as soon as I stand I notice my vision going dim and blurry as I'm about  to pass out I hear the stranger ask if I'm alright then I pass out.

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