Chapter 5: Alena

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Alena stood silently beside the other nine people and soon-to-be sacrifices infront of a huge door. The door lead to the Room of Weapons. The room took about ten acres of land and was stocked full of all kinds of weapons from simple knifes to nuclear weaponry.

When the door opened, all of them -except Kira and Alena-- ran towards the swords section, mostly because most of them want to have an up close and personal fight with the monsters in the Zone. Kira headed to the corner where they kept things for chemical weaponry while Alena headed to the long-rand weaponry. They were allowed to take as many weapons as they can carry. 

Alena decided to take a gun that had the best accuracy, wasn't too heavy and the highest amount of ammo. Also, she strapped a bow and a set of 300 arrows to her back, the set was small compared tot he one she would usually take so it was fairly light to her. She then ran to the knifes section and grabbed a pair of hinting daggers. Then, she went to help Kira with her equipment.

Most of the other people with them were working through this on their own, but not the two friends. They just couldn't leave each other at a time like this! If they had even the slightest chance of surviving in the Zone, then it would be when they worked together, which -by the way- is another thing that is considered weird with Infernas. 

Kira took a messenger bag with the periodic table on the cover. There was a total of 378 elements on the entire planet. Inside the bag was a lab set of unbreakable clear material that was really light. Kira -after a glaring argument with Alena- decided to take a couple of throwing knifes and a light nuclear gun that was small enough to put in one of the pockets in her chemistry bag. Lastly, the duo went to the unbelievably tiny section and took two books. One was small and titled The Zone, The Risks and Advantages while the other was titles Chemistry weaponry. 

After everyone was done -which took for ever by the way, Alena swore that Infernas think that picking weapons for death battles was their version of shopping for clothes-, they stood in a line waiting to be escorted to the Wall. 

The Infernas' wall was not really meant for defense. It was more of a ' keep stupid pests out' than a 'please save us from monsters that can defeat most of us in seconds' kinda wall.Some infernas would camp the walls their whole lives for a chance to fight one of the monsters that dared to come close to the wall. 

Some of the elder infernas came and herded the ten chattering infernas towards the wall. The wall its self stood at about  fifty feet (give or take). It stretches all around as far as anyone can see. 

Now, you would think there'd be a gate or a door or something. But, noooooo,  infernas are too courageous for it to be that simple. You had to pass through an obstacle course. Well, it wasn't just made for this occasion though, a couple of years back there were some infernas that wanted to got to the Zone without being on Guangala-sacrifice-feasta list. They would usually climb over the wall, get to the Zone, be there for a couple of minutes, get attacked and eventually killed within the first day. And so, to avoid having 'weak' people have the 'honor' of going to the zone, they placed an obstacle course.  But, since they did not want any of us to die to anything -you know, except to being eaten by Guangala  -- they give us  free pass through the course.


The course was right infront of the wall. After we walk through it- which wasn't that long, it was about twenty five meters long. I sleep walk farther than that!-- Then we reach the last portion of it, the climbing wall.  That part we had to do on our own. Kira and I started climbing and we were the first two to make it. 

I looked back at the place I used to call home. I was sad about leaving my brother and sister, they probably -hopefully- wouldn't have to go through the zone. They would probably end up killing Guangala if they set foot here, which would be good, but they would have to go through the whole 'demotion' thing. I won't even bother explaining it,its basically a declaration and a whole bunch of torture they go through because they stooped so low as to be picked for sacrifices.

Anyway, Kira and I started climbing down the other side of the wall. Kira reached the bottom first and waited for me to get there. Once we were together again, we started running directly north.  We had a plan, we will travel till we reach an estimated 'barrier' that lies between Inferna and the center of the Zone.

Doesn't make sense, huh? Well, there is this wild speculation that the planet is half Inferna, half anthopii and a thin line of the Zone. Well, the planet is actually in three equal sections, the zone taking up a third of the surface area instead of just a thin line. So, there is a center line to the zone and that is where very ancient books said there is a place where both anthropii and infernas used to live together long, long, long ago. Apparently, they had several differences and each walked in a straight line till each group reached their current place of living. Sure, both groups can occasionally communicate using the communication satellites in orbit, but they don't really want to talk with each other.

So, basically, the situation was like a failed marriage that ended in a divorce. Lovely, right? Wrong! Because of the lack of communication between the two separate  thirds, the story was lost and no one knows the truth. At least not in Inferna, the Anthropii might know though since they love gathering information and knowing stuff.
The only rwas on I even have a clue about it is because I read a lot. I did try to tell others about this bat each and everyone of them would brush me off and tell me I am wasting my time. I ended up not telling even Kira because I am afraid she would do the same.
Anyway, now, Kira and I are going to keep heading due north for almost two hundred and forty hours(six days) accounting for rests every twenty hours. Then we will rest an entire day and figure where we are and from there we will plan our survival for -hopefully- the rest of our natural lives. 

But right now, we have to look for shelter. The two suns just rose so it won't be dark for a while, in which we will look for shelter and food. I just hope we don't run into any hydras -you know, huge body, flame breath, around ten heads, reaaaaally hard to kill- on the way there.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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